Page 59 of Air of Seduction
I look at the altar, wanting to take a look at it to see if there are any signs of what happened to the person whose emotions are still coating my skin. But I know I can’t. I won’t even be able to get close before dropping to the floor in agony.
I turn to Aidan. “Check the altar. He was here last night, and we have to find out where they moved him. Any traces at all, blood or fluids of any kind, take a sample. And as soon as we get out of here, call Callum. Tell him to search for anyone leaving this place in the last twenty-four hours. He might have been moved during the day, even though that’s an unusual choice.”
Aidan gives a sharp nod. “I will.”
“And I’ll help.” Ronan walks past me and heads for the altar.
I don’t move while I watch them work. They inspect every surface of the altar, inch by inch, as well as the floor surrounding it. But it soon becomes clear there’s nothing there. Nothing apart from the emotions beating at my skin.
Aidan lifts his gaze to mine and shakes his head. “Nothing. Not even a drop of blood or a strand of hair. Whatever they did to your brother, they made sure to clean up all the evidence afterward.”
Ronan scans the room. “Do you want us to check the rest of this place?”
“No. There’s no need.” I shake my head. “I can feel where the emotions are coming from, and it’s from that altar. If our brother is anything like me, he heals exceptionally fast, and I doubt there will be any blood anywhere else.” I turn to look at Gawen. “How are your healing abilities?”
“Much faster than a regular shifter’s.” His lips curve in a semblance of a smile. “Another thing we have in common.”
Chapter 35
I breathe a sigh of relief when we leave the hidden room beneath Temple church, after Lyn has checked that the coast is clear. I need to check on Payton to make sure she’s all right, even if she still doesn’t want to talk to me.
What we just discovered is monumental, but it isn’t enough to distract me from what’s happening with my mate. Or rather not happening.
We get into the car, and I settle into the seat and try to relax. But it’s impossible. My heart rate is faster than it should be, and need is pulsing through my body, telling me in no uncertain terms to find my mate and claim her as mine.
But I won’t do that until she’s ready, and she won’t be ready until we’ve talked. Perhaps not even then.
Pain stabs through my chest, making me shudder. I can’t wait much longer. I’m slowly going insane with the continuous flux of emotions ranging from despair to hope and love.
By the time Aidan pulls into the garage, I’m ready to explode. The vehicle hasn’t even come to a full stop when I open the door and run.
I take the stairs three at a time and race down the corridor to Payton’s suite. I just stop myself in time before I burst through the door without knocking.
Taking a deep breath, I try to find some measure of control. I’ve already hurt Payton by something I did, and coming across as an out-of-control lunatic isn’t going to support my case.
I raise my hand and knock three times. But the seconds tick by, and no one comes to open the door. I try again with the same result.
My whole body is tense with worry while I stare at the door in disbelief. Why aren’t they answering? Where are they? It’s not that late, is it?
Scrubbing a hand over my face, I tell myself that they’ve probably gone to bed, and there’s nothing to be concerned about. But the worry lodged between my shoulder blades is urging me to make sure.
I open the door and step inside. The main room is empty as I anticipated. But as soon as I see the open door to Payton’s bedroom, fear starts twisting in my gut.
I cover the distance in a few long strides. There’s no one there. And after knocking on Olivia’s bedroom door without any response, I open it and confirm that she’s not in her room either.
“Fuck. This can’t be happening.” I pull my phone from my pocket. Noah. I have to talk to Noah. He’s been in the building the whole time. I can’t imagine the two women being able to leave without him noticing or stopping them.
“Are you back? What did you find?” Noah’s tone is somewhere between bored and irritated.
“Later. Where’s Payton and Olivia?”
“What do you mean?” Sounds of hurried footsteps come through the phone. “They’re where they’re supposed to be, in their suite.”
I walk out into the corridor and head for the stairs, my pulse so loud in my ears it’s drowning out almost every other sound.
“No, their suite is empty.” Anger mixes with my growing fear. “I thought you were going to keep an eye on them while we were gone?”