Page 68 of Air of Seduction
I stare at the closed door while my chest aches with longing and regret. Four millennia and I’ve never felt like this about another woman. But Lynette isn’t like other women. She’s more, so much more.
But what would she want with someone like me? I’m nothing but a stubborn idiot incapable of paying attention to anyone but myself and excelling at pushing people away with my thoughtless behavior.
My shoulders slump. What I need to do is to stay away from her and let her find a man who deserves her.
“Fuck!” My hand is on the door handle before I realize what I’m doing, but I stop myself in time. The thought of someone else touching my little vixen has me seeing red. Rage is boiling inside me, and I feel just about ready to explode.
I’ve just pulled my hand away from the door when it suddenly opens, and my eyes lock with the woman I crave.
“Markus.” She doesn’t look surprised as she crosses her arms under her breasts.
My eyes stray to the soft globes, making me realize she’s only wearing a large T-shirt. I can even see the outline of her nipples poking at the soft fabric, indicating she isn’t wearing a bra.
My cock takes notice and starts thickening, and I finally manage to drag my gaze back up to hers. “I’m sorry.” My voicecracks, and I have to swallow before I can continue. “I came here to say I’m sorry.”
Her expression is stony, but I think I can detect a hint of warmth in her eyes. “For what exactly?”
“For almost kissing you last night. It was never my intention. You’re a part of the team, and I don’t want to violate the trust between us.”
It was the wrong thing to say, and I want to take it back when her eyes turn a frosty green.
“That’s okay.” She takes a step back, her arms dropping to her sides. “I won’t be a part of the team for much longer.”
“What?” My eyes widen as my blood turns to icy slush in my veins.
“I’ll be leaving as soon as we’ve caught and killed my maker.” Her hand goes to the door, clearly preparing to close it in my face.
“Wait. Please.” Unable to take my eyes from her, I put my hand flat against the door to stop her from shutting it between us. “Let’s talk about this. I need you. I mean…” Words elude me, and I open and close my mouth several times without anything coming out.
“Good night, Markus.” She starts swinging the door shut, and I let her.
The snap as it closes an inch from my nose makes me flinch like someone just punched me in the gut. And that’s what it feels like too. Pain spreads from the ball of ice that’s formed in my stomach to every part of my body.
I’ve lost her. I’ve lost Lynette.
I turn around and walk away, not knowing what to do or where to go, but it doesn’t really matter anymore. The world has suddenly lost all its colors. And I hate it.
I listen as Markus walks away, my whole body shaking like a leaf. I want to run after him, but at the same time, I don’t.
Does he care about me as anything more than a team member? That’s the real question. And I can’t decide based on what just happened.
He told me he needs me, but he also told me that I’m a part of the team, and he doesn’t want to violate the trust between us. What does that mean?
I turn and walk to my bedroom. But as soon as I see the bed, I know there’s no point trying to sleep. My thoughts won’t let me.
I don’t want to be here right now, knowing Markus is in the same building. If I leave these rooms, I will bump into him upstairs. And that’s the last thing I want to do.
But the sun is up, shining its deadly rays down on the streets outside. And that makes leaving this house difficult.
My gaze lands on my phone, and I breathe a sigh of relief. I know what to do, and who can help me do it.
The call connects after ringing just once. “Goddess of night, are you in London?”