Page 22 of When in December
“Oh, well, it’s all right. I mean, I did walk in, unannounced to him,” I told her, explaining the situation in case he exaggerated the situation. I wanted to be calm and professional. I did nothing wrong. “Though I did knock first.”
“Don’t apologize. I apologize for him. I didn’t believe it when he said he was already living there, especially considering how the house isn’t …”
“Completely livable?”
I wanted to laugh at the huff in her voice. Oddly enough, along with my frustration towards Aaron, I was also disappointed in how today panned out. With the house, sure. But also with our interaction. Despite knowing how he’d acted when we were kids and how he’d acted today. I’d forgotten that Aaron had such kind eyes, even when they were staring you down.
They were wasted on him.
I kept my voice bright and upbeat so the conversation didn’t sour. “I don’t want you to worry. That’s my job. Everything’s going to come together. I’m sure that if Mr. Hayes is living there now, perhaps he would like some input on the direction we are going.”
“Don’t worry about any of that. I’m calling for one other reason. Or two, technically.” Sarah stopped me before I could ramble on.
“Yes?” I was pretty sure I’d squeaked.
“You have one hundred percent creative freedom on this project,” Sarah informed me.
“Wait … what?”
“The plans you’ve sent and already written up look amazing. Honestly, they’re above and beyond what I expected of the place, knowing what condition it was in. Feel free to do whatever else you need to make the home a cozy, holiday space. I need it to be.”
Free rein. My heart might’ve stuttered in my chest.
“I understand.”
“I hope so. We need it to be the best Christmas possible. Extend the budget another ten if you need to. If you need more for the day-of planning, let me know, but as of now, my family and I will be there promptly on Christmas Eve.”
“I understand,” I repeated.
“Good. Because I’m sure you’re already getting the feeling that this job, so long as my brother is around, is going to come with a few obstacles. I have entire faith in you from our correspondence.”
“Thank you.”
“I want to warn you again. Right now, Aaron is … he recently returned from deployment in the military. He’s still finding himself back home. I hate to tell you to be patient with him. Maybe it’s the sister coming out in me as I say this.”
She continued, “I understand it’s a big job, especially since I want to make sure you don’t take whatever that lunk living there makes you deal with to heart. Aaron can be an ass on a good day, let alone when he’s been grieving.”
It didn’t seem like it was right to offer Sarah my condolences.
Luckily, I didn’t have to as she rattled off some more information, along with, “You have my permission to be just as stubborn and frustrating to him if you need to.”
“You understand?”
“Yes,” I said after a minute. “I understand. But I’m sure that won’t be necessary. You want this holiday to be perfect. That’swhy I’m here. Everything will come together as you envision, Ms. Hayes-Preston.”
“Thank you. Have a great day, Poppy.”
“You too.”
I wasn’t sure I was able to move. I let my phone hand at my side.
One of the online magazine writers at their desk paused their typing. He raised an eyebrow. “You okay over there, Poppy?”