Page 71 of Claimed
“I want to serve Oûros,” she blurted, then felt her cheeks flush. “I know that sounds weird. I know I can’t be a demigod like you are. But I want to serve. Likereallyserve. Like, be an ambassador for…for…” she broke off, biting her lip as she tried to form the words that were clanging around in her head, desperate to be spoken. “Wait, I’m sorry. Obviously I couldn’t?—”
“You absolutely could,” Stefan cut her off. “If you want it, we can make it so. Nicki Clark, liaison to the gods. Well…one or two in particular.”
“Oh…” A little sunburst of joy buoyed up within her, like a cork bobbing in the ocean. “I’d really, really like that. Maybe a god who doesn’t get much press, you know? Like Hephaestus—or Hades even. He always gets a bad rap.”
Stefan nodded sagely. “I happen to know he’d be honored to have you take the job.”
“You’re serious.” Nicki gaped at him a moment longer, then stiffened as Stefan’s expression changed, his gaze focusing over her shoulder.
“It’s a doctor,” he murmured.
As one, they sat up on their chaises, and Nicki did reach for the juice then. If she was about to get bad news, she deserved some sugar in her system.
The doctor who strode up was part of the medical team assigned to Ari, not one of the techs who’d worked on them, and Nicki went cold inside. This wasn’t someone who knew her. This was someone who could only see tests and numbers and statistics, who could make decisions without knowing her spirit or soul, who?—
“Nicki Clark?” The man asked crisply. “I’m Doctor Tanor, head cardiologist at the Klinik Im Park in Zurich. I had the opportunity to review your test results, and the queen asked me to speak with you directly as soon as I did.” He barreled on without pausing, his gaze steady on her. “You don’t have any current signs of cardiomyopathy in your heart muscle.”
“I—” Nicki blinked, but she couldn’t seem to see correctly, her eyes not focusing. “I don’t?”
“You do not. You have a slight arrhythmia that’s worrisome and will require some monitoring, and I’d like to have you track your blood pressure more routinely. There are also some diet and exercise recommendations I’d prefer you to follow to ensure you don’t tap your system unnecessarily. But the bottom line is—you’re healthy. You can do nearly every activity you might want without concern other than, potentially, sky diving. And while I recommend testing your heart again in six months and consistently thereafter, you’re otherwise free to carry on.” He smiled, at last, his eyes softening. “I can’t speak to all your fitness evaluations, but your heart is in a very good place.”
The doctor accepted her stammered thanks then took his leave quickly afterward, heading next to Ari, she suspected. Nicki stared after him for a long minute, biting her lip to keep from crying as Stefan reached over and slipped her hand into his.
“It’s in a good place,” Nicki whispered, and he leaned toward her to brush her lips softly with his. “He said I’m fine—I’m fine.I’m in a good place.” She looked up at Stefan and he pressed his fingers against hers, pulling her close.
“You’re also here…with me,” Stefan said. “For as long as you wish to be. That feels like a good place as well.”
“It’s the best place I’ve ever been,” Nicki whispered, squeezing his hand tight. She didn’t bother trying to keep the tears from falling anymore. “The best place in the world.”