Page 79 of Court of Talons
“Stop, Talia. Listen to me.” He stares hard at me, golden eyes flashing, and the intensity of his gaze arrows all the way to my heart, making it pound in awkward thumps, as if it’s forgotten its place as much as I have. “You’rebeautiful.”
I choke out a cough. “I’m hardly?—”
“You are. And so much more than that. You’re fierce. True. Your light shines so sharp and pure, I want to swallow it wholefor the hope that it may live within me for just a moment. Here, sit.”
His hands still gripping my wrists like a vice, he edges me down to the stone floor on a cushion of my own robe, then steps back to wrench off his own tunic and breeches, baring his gorgeous, well-formed legs, his powerful arms and chest. I blink, realizing again how differently they make warriors in the plains. I’ve never seen skin so smooth and clean, muscles so sharply defined, or limbs without scars.
Fortiss doesn’t stop, but kneels down next to me, bunching up his breeches to form a pillow on the stone. Then he lays me back so gently, I have to smile.
“Fortiss, you have to know by now I won’t break.” I gesture to my battered legs. “You have ample evidence.”
“Shut up, Talia,” he mutters, and his lips come down on mine.
Once more, the light bursts within me, a kindling fire that starts in my core and surges up as strong as my connection to my Divh. I hear Fortiss gasp and wonder if he feels it too, here in this place so close to the Divh I know in my heart is his birthright. I hear her distant cry, the echo of her sigh, and he shudders, groaning as my hand snakes around and cups the smooth hard planes of his buttocks. It’s like grabbing silk over granite, and I glory in the feel of his tensing, flexing muscles.
He pulls away, his gaze once more raking down my body—the part he can see, anyway.
“Let me,” he murmurs, and I stare as he shifts down. He drops his head to the top of my left thigh, where the worst of the scars remain, a faded reminder of a far unhappier time. He follows one cruel slash over my thigh, raining light kisses where once there was only pain. I tip my chin up, sighing with need as he slides silkily along my skin. His hot breath offers ample warning of his change in direction, yet the touch of his tongueagainst my sex is so surprising I nearly shove him off me. But he holds fast as I shiver, he doesn’t budge.
“Let me,” he implores again, and when I whimper my consent, he whispers kisses along my quivering skin, now damp with want. After a few more, dizzying moments of this glorious torture, I know I can no sooner stop him than I could push back a racing storm. His tongue slides along the most intimate part of me with exquisite precision, seeking out every lick of fire, every shiver of joy. Excitement, pleasure, and a swirling, whirling power expands to fill me then overflows, replaced by a twisting, winding need that builds so fast—too fast!
I suck in unsteady breaths, giving myself over to the sensations, unhooking all the ties that bind me to this earth to be lifted up, up—before I jerk in a sudden, ferocious convulsion, a soft cry ripping out of me like lightning chasing across the summer sky.
“Oh,Light!” I gasp, in sheer, delirious pleasure. “Nobody ever told methatwas possible.”
As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I know I’m doomed.
Fortis freezes. Totally freezes, somehow managing to suspend himself above my legs for a long, soul-breaking moment, like a shadow turned to stone. Then slowly…so slowly…he levers himself up my body until his face is even with mine, his muscular arms caging me, his fists pinning both me and my tangled gown to the stone ledge. He stares down at me with eyes so wide and horrified he might as well be upending a bucket of snow on my head.
“Talia,” he grits out in a low, strangled voice. “Are you untouched?”
He doesn’t wait for me to respond, of course. He doesn’t need to. The answer is plain on my face. Anger and dismay twists hisbeautiful mouth as he glares down at me. “Why didn’t youtellme?”
I stare right back at him. “You didn’t ask.”
“I didn’t—hey,” he protests as I finally have the presence of mind to push him off me, scooting back in my unwieldy gown until I reach my discarded leggings. “How was I supposed to…I mean how could I have…”
His words die off as fast as my own withering desire. Because of course, he should have known. If he understands anything about the practices of the noble houses of the Protectorate—especially those noble houses in the backwards mountains of the eastern borderlands—he would know exactly how much we hew to the old ways. Despite the fact that my cheeks are burning, I spare him the trouble of having to say it aloud.
“That’s right, Fortiss. That day we met on the forest road? I was heading to my wedding as a jewel-drapedvirginsacrifice.” I huff and strain, shimmying my leggings up my thighs as best as I can with my shaking hands. “It was my only worth to my father, and he made sure I understood that fact every moment he could. And now, when I finally have a chance to grab something—anything—one brief moment of pleasure for myself, I ruin it. Ruin it! Because of my ignorance and stupid chatter! I will regret this night for the rest of mylife.”
He jolts at my vehemence, still clearly not tracking well. “But you…I mean, you remain untouched, Talia. Nothing happened. Not really.”
“Blood andstone, Fortiss, I understand that.” I roll to my feet, yanking my gown into place and stomping across the ledge to find my slippers. Humiliation sours my stomach and makes my fingers twitch, and all I want to do is cry. “I’m fine. You’re fine. You didn’t do anything to harm my bride price, just my pride. You’re safe.”
My words hang harshly in the still air, bitter and raw. Fortiss doesn’t respond to my rant, which is some small mercy.
In truth, I know I should be grateful. How I ever thought I was going to be able to havesexwith Fortiss whilewearing a disguise, I have no idea. Besides, what even happens when two banded warriors make love? Do the skies open up? Do their Divhs appear to stomp and roar? And why hadn’t I thought evenone tiny bitabout the potential chaos I was blithely walking us both into?
Fortiss isn’t the only one not thinking clearly tonight, but he has far less to lose.Fool!
“Talia—” he begins, but I can no longer bear to breathe the same air he does. Nothing is right, nothing will ever be right again. I am neither woman nor man, daughter nor son. Now, I’m only a banded warrior, and even that future teeters on the edge of a razor-sharp talon.
I lift up my long skirts before he can say anything more, and race up the stairs.
Chapter 33
The two-day climax to the Tournament of Gold begins like a forced march to an execution—but with better music.