Page 25 of Trapped
“Let me out,” I snarled.
He winked at me, and my heart pounded.
“Poor Dimitri,” Ivan tsked. “He’ll be so disappointed. He’s been so sure you were kidnapped.”
I scoffed. “Is that what he’s telling everyone?”
Ivan leaned in, his breath reeking of cigarettes. “Oh yeah. He’s playing the heartbroken fiancé, searching high and low for his abducted bride. Meanwhile, you’ve been spreading your legs for Santino and fuck knows who else.”
I glared at him. “You don’t know anything.”
He chuckled. “We all saw the street camera footage of yourunningout of the church.”
“How did Dimitri take it?”
He made a face. “He’s lost his mind. He thinks you were taken against your will, but everybody’s talking about how you left him at the altar. You’re the girl that ghosted the Sovetnik of the Providence Bratva. Dimitri’s a laughingstock.”
He grinned. “He’s going to make your life a living hell when he catches you.”
“What do you care?”
“I’m the only reason Dimitri hasn’t found you yet. So if I were you, I’d be a little nicer to me.”
“All you’re doing is giving Santino more reasons to kick your ass.”
“You’re nothing more than a hole to warm his dick.”
I cocked my head. “Want to test that theory?”
Ivan’s smirk faltered. The car turned sharply, throwing me against the door. I bit back a cry and squared up against him.
“Stop the car. You should know better than to mess with Santino’s property.”
“Property,” Ivan mused, tapping his fingers on his knee. “That’s what you are, huh? A possession. But possessions can be exchanged.”
I swallowed hard, hating how true his words felt. “Santino would never trade me.”
“You sure about that?”
No, not really.
I didn’t trust men. At the moment, Santino liked me enough to keep me around. What happened when he discovered I wasn’t the dream girl he’d constructed in his head?
I bit my lip.
“Look, all I want is information. You’re close to Santino. I need details about his operations. Anything that’s leverage over Dimitri.”
I laughed bitterly. “Planning to take over?”
“He’s on his way out.”
“Santino will kill me if he even suspects me of betraying him.”
“Not if you’re smart about it. You give me what I need, and Dimitri stays in the dark about your location. We both win.”
“And if I refuse?”