Page 58 of Playboy
He smiled softly. “Of course.”
She walked over to the bed and stared down at her daughter. “How in the world did you get her to sleep?”
“It was all her doing,” he told her.
She gave him a look like she didn’t believe him, and he laughed quietly. “I swear. She and I talked last night. And I’ll just say that I think she’ll be okay.”
Wendy smiled and took a seat in the empty chair beside Playboy.
“You know she talks about you all the time.”
Playboy swung his head in Wendy’s direction, his one eyebrow arched.
“She does?”
She smirked at him as she nodded. “She does. And I can see why now. You care for her very much.”
“I do.”
“And considering you didn’t run for the hills after what happened to her and have been by her side the whole time, I have to say that my respect for you has grown immensely. You’re a good man, Tanner. A man that I would want my daughter to be with.”
“Thank you, ma’am. I only want what is best for Gabby.”
“You are what is best for her.”
Their conversation was interrupted by Dr. Ebers as she knocked softly and entered the room. As she took in Gabby’s sleeping form, she looked at both Wendy and Playboy and smiled. Obviously, she was even shocked to see Gabby curled up asleep.
“Now that is what I like to see,” she said, motioning toward the bed. “I was starting to get a little worried, especially when Drew, her therapist, mentioned how much she was pushing herself and also not getting enough sleep. In fact, that is why I stopped by today. I was going to talk to her about it. But it looks like someone got to her before me.”
Wendy smirked, then patted Playboy’s leg.
“That was Tanner’s doing. I was shocked myself when I walked in and saw her in such a deep sleep.”
Dr. Ebers smiled. “Well, that is good. Since her leg is healing quite well, I’d like to get her fitted with a prosthetic, possibly on Tuesday. Maybe even get her up on it for a little bit and see how she does.”
Playboy noticed a mixed look on Wendy’s face.
“You don’t think it is too early for that?” Wendy asked.
Dr. Ebers shook her head. “Not at all. When it comes to these types of injuries, there are no set timetables, as everybody heals differently and at a different pace. In Gabby’s case, her leg is healing tremendously well. But I’ve been worried about her lack of sleep. The type of therapy with the prostheticshe’ll be undertaking is strenuous both physically and mentally. However, it looks like she is getting the rest she needs now, and I see no issue signing off on it.”
Wendy and Playboy thanked the doctor for stopping by, and they assured her that they would pass on the good news to Gabby.
Once Dr. Ebers left the room, Wendy turned toward Playboy, and he could see tears in her eyes.
“Thank you so much for getting through to her. I honestly don’t know where she’d be right now without you here for her.”
Playboy offered a small smile. “Gabby’s strong. And even if I wasn’t here, I know she would eventually be okay. It may have taken a little longer, but I know for sure she would overcome this.”
As they sat there watching Gabby sleep and listening to her snore, Playboy suddenly thought of something.
He pulled out his phone and checked his calendar—Tuesday, to be exact. He felt his gut twist when he saw that the day was blocked off for mandatory training.Dammit!That meant he wouldn’t be able to accompany Gabby to her appointment.
He looked at Wendy. “I have a work thing on Tuesday that I unfortunately can’t get out of. You and Mr. Allen will be there, right?”
“I believe so,” she replied. But then she appeared to be thinking about something. “Oh, no,” she muttered as she frantically dug through her purse, pulled out her phone, and swiped over to her calendar.