Page 99 of Playboy
Looking at Alley, she saw that his smirk had disappeared, and a look of surprise and curiosity replaced it.
Captain Stone looked at her, her eyes wide, just like everyone else. “Petty Officer Allen, are you certain about this decision?”
Gabby smiled as she nodded firmly. “Yes, Captain. I am.” She paused for a moment before continuing. “While I appreciate the opportunities I’ve had here, it is time for me to move on to whereI’m truly valued and not judged because I am a woman, though I’ve earned the right to be in the position I am in just like any man in the same position.” She paused for a moment, looking over her shoulder, and met the set of eyes she was looking for. With a slight nod of his head, she turned back and continued. “I’ve been offered a position with an organization that values my skills and experience and has assured me that I will be given the time to recover fully and the opportunity to contribute meaningfully once my doctors clear me.”
Alley leaned forward, his expression now one of irritation. Apparently, he didn’t like to be made a fool of. But he deserved it.
“Petty Officer Allen, this is highly irregular. Are you sure this isn’t a rash decision made in anger?”
Gabby met his gaze unwaveringly. “No, sir. It’s a decision made out of respect for myself and my capabilities. I refuse to be dismissed unfairly and undervalued by those who should know better. People like you.”
Alley jerked backward as she had slapped him. Deep down, she wished she could. His face turned red, whether out of anger or embarrassment, because she called him out in front of his peers and his boss.
Just as Alley opened his mouth, most likely to give her a verbal beat down for disrespecting him, a deep voice spoke from behind her. When she turned around, her eyes widened, seeing the Commandant of the Coast Guard standing in the back. Next to him was the Department of Homeland Secretary.
Vice Admiral Alley, considering some information that has been brought to my attention, might I suggest that you choose your words wisely.”
Hearing that, Allen closed his mouth and sat back in his chair.
Captain Stone exchanged glances with the Commandant as well as with the other board members before looking back at Gabby.
“Petty Officer Allen, if that is your decision, we will respect it. However, I have to say that the Coast Guard is losing a very valuable asset. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.”
Gabby nodded, feeling the weight lift off her shoulders. “Thank you, Captain. I appreciate that.
“Then, I believe that we are finished here. Again, Petty Officer Allen, I wish you the best of luck.”
As Gabby turned to leave, Vice Admiral Alley stood abruptly. “This isn’t over, Allen,” he said, his tone low and threatening.”
Gabby paused at the door, turning back to face him. “You’re right sir. It’s just the beginning. But not for me—for you and anyone else who thinks like you.”
With that, she walked out of the room, her head held high. She knew the road ahead would be challenging, but she also knew she had made the right choice. Sure, she was going to miss her teammates. But she was moving on to a place where her skills were valued, and she was ready to face whatever came next with the same courage and determination that had carried her through her career.
As she stepped into the hallway outside the room, Gabby took a deep breath.
She heard heavy footsteps behind her that sounded like a stampede. When she turned around, she found her family, friends, and teammates approaching.
Playboy got to her first and pulled her flush against his body as he hugged her.
“I’m so fucking proud of you,” he whispered above her head. The emotion in his voice nearly brought her to tears.
Everyone stood there looking at her dumbfounded. They were all in the dark about her mysterious job offer.
Turning to address everyone she smiled. “I guess you all are wondering who my new employer is.”
“As long as you are happy with it, I don’t care who it is,” her dad said, giving her a hug.
She grinned and threw a wink in Tink’s direction.
“For those who don’t know him, please let me introduce you to Tink, owner of Rockwell Inc. and my boss.”
The stunned looks on everyone’s faces made Gabby laugh.
“What will you be doing?” her mom asked.
“What I do now, along with some intelligence work.”
She felt a hand on her shoulder, and when she looked up, Captain Graham was standing there. He gave her a soft smile and a nod of his head that he approved. “You’re going to do great things, Gabby. I’m proud of you.” He then turned his attention to Tink and shook his hand.