Page 19 of Sins
“I have no idea where the girls ended up.” Brick laughed at something Trigger said. “Last I heard, they were on a mission somewhere. But, shit, Morgan’s with them, so we’ll hear soon enough.”
“Morgan’s right there.” Jesse pointed to Morgan as he made a beeline toward us when he spotted me. Jesse gave the dancer a bill and she moved on; she knew something was up.
Kelly squeezed my leg again. “What do you think?”
Morgan pulled out a card and leaned down so Kelly couldn’t hear. “Though I have it somewhat covered, I’d suggest you head here.” I took the card and studied it. “And just so it’s said, I never told you anything.” I signaled Jesse to come over.
“Stay put. I’ll let you know if I need you.”
“Grim?” Kelly stood, and I turned to face her.
“Look, nothing’s ever going to happen between us.”
Her face pinked. “Because of that skank?”
I gave her a half smirk. “Because you try too hard.” She opened her mouth, but I shook my head.
“You’re an asshole, Grim.”
“So I’ve been told.” I headed to the private viewing rooms knowing that the card Morgan gave me was for one of them. I glanced at the number on it. The hall was dark, only a red outline glowed for each room and number. A man came out of the room next to the one I was about to enter, but I couldn’t see his face in the shadows. He gave me a grunt and moved on. I tapped the card to the door and pushed it open. A woman danced in a cage to a Nine Inch Nails song. When she leaned back to grab the pole, water flung from her hair, and I saw her face. It was Kenna.
Well, fuck me.
I sat on the couch, rested both arms along the back, and kicked out my feet. I knew from being in these rooms before that she couldn’t see my face, only my legs and feet, and I smiled to myself at Morgan’s play to get me there.He’s a good guy, I’m going to enjoy this.
My pants grew tight as I watched her wet body move to the music. She was so fucking sexy. I knew Tess had been a dancer back in the day, but now, married to Trigger, she onlyhired them. I chuckled at my good friend and his over-the-top protection for his wife.
I reached for the button to call the waiter for a drink when it hit me. What if Kenna worked here on the side when she wasn’t working at Indulge? She had, after all, been in Tess’s playroom with another man, but that was different. That was then; this was now. My mind ran with frustrated thoughts, like who else had sat in this very seat and seen her this way? I wasn’t sure why that bothered me so much, but shit, it did. I shook my head, but the intrusive thoughts wouldn’t stop. My fists tightened at the thought of some man working himself up for release with Kenna a mere few feet away. Somehow, it was even worse than someone else having sex with her. Well, not really. Damn it, I wasn’t making sense even to myself.
I bolted to my feet when the door flew open across the room, and Tess, Minnie, and Rail all held guns. They screamed liked banshees as Rail, hard on their heels, tripped and slid across to land at my feet with his weapon pointed at my face.
“Freeze it, bitch!” Minnie squinted at me. “Wait, you’re Grim.” She waved her gun around, and I was scared it would go off. She looked at Tess, who looked to be way more drunk than I’d ever seen her. “Tess, that’s Grim.”
“You,” Tess blinked, “you’re Grim. Wait. You’re supposed to be Kenna’s attacker.”
“You’re Grim.” Rail laughed. “That’s not the attacker, Tess. It’s Grim.” He grinned, and I pushed the gun away from my face. “Sorry, man. You’re not her attacker. Right?” His gun wavered in his hand.
“What the fuck, Rail? Put that thing away.” I wasn’t laughing.
Then the lights flickered on, the cage opened, and Kenna had a gun pointed in my direction. “Grim?”
Bang!She shot it at the ceiling and Minnie burst out laughing.
“Oh, shit, Minnie,” Kenna covered her mouth, “I think the gun just went off.”
“What the fuck!” I lunged forward and pulled the gun out of her hand and removed the clip. I hauled her out of the cage and stood her on her feet. She grabbed my arm as her wet feet slipped on the floor. “How drunk are you? Put those fucking weapons away. And what the hell is happening?” I demanded as Trigger and Brick came running in.
“The fuck?” Trigger boomed and made the girls jump, then it turned into laughter again.Gone are the days that Trigger was scary to these chicks.
Kenna held up a hand. “That’s a lot of questions to ask in a short amount of time Grimmy.” I glared down at her, and she beamed up at me with glazed-over eyes.
“Gr-immy,” I growled.
“I lost count after the fourth bottle of champagne.” Tess tried to count on her fingers, and Minnie added her own to the count. Christ, they were shitfaced.
“Morgan?” I turned to look at him. “What the hell’s going on?”
“Kenna paid off Tracy,” Morgan sighed, “to tell her stalker to be here tonight so they could trap him.”