Page 21 of Sins
I caught the point in the song and growled the first line of the chorus into her ear.
“I wanna…” I felt her grin against my cheek, and I dragged my erection over her sensitive spot. My mind shifted again, and I couldn’t get enough of her. I swung her legs down to roll her hips to one side and increased the pace again. The ripples in the water around us caught the lighting from underneath. The song switched to something else, but I didn’t care. All I cared aboutwas being inside this woman. My muscles locked in place when I felt her spasm, her mouth opened, but the music was too loud to hear her screams. Her eyes found mine as she let go, and something intimate passed between us, and for once, I didn’t feel uneasy. Instead, I felt more alive than ever before.
I needed more.
When she came down from her orgasm and relaxed, I used the opportunity to flip her onto her stomach. I jumped up, sank onto my knees, and pulled her slick body back onto my lap and eased back into her. She pressed her hands onto my thighs to steady herself, then she ran her hands through her hair, arching her back. We moved well together; my hands were everywhere as I chased my own release. She turned her head, and I caught her lips without thinking. Her taste made me growl from deep down. I ripped away, pushed her down so she had to turn her head to the side to breathe, and yanked her hips as I balanced on my knees. I leaned down and held the base of her spine so she wouldn’t slip.
Sounds and colors morphed together in my head as I ravaged her. I held nothing back, and the cries from her lips pushed me to the point where I was without a care of going too far. This was what I needed; it was what we both lived for.
Finally, my body gave in, and I came, nearly drowning her in the process. I lost my sight for a moment as my skin heated. My fingers bit into her flesh as I rode the last of it out. I flipped her back over as my chest heaved, and I stared down at the woman who let me be me without judgement. Her satisfied expression met mine, and I suddenly realized what I was feeling. Happiness.
As the morning went on,I found myself growing angrier at Kenna. I was reckless, but I could handle myself. What in the hell was she thinking, drawing her stalker out of the shadows like that? Let alone shitfaced. I pinched the bridge of my nose as Zhar rested his head on my thigh. I scratched behind his ear the way he loved.
“When did the room start spinning?” Kenna groaned from my bed.
Leal, who had also decided to sleep in, lifted his head to look at her.Nice of you to decide to wake up, pup.
I leaned forward and felt my anger surge. I studied her from where I sat in my chair. “I would think it started to spin about the time you polished off your first bottle of champagne.” I gave her a glare—not that she noticed. “And picked up speed around the fourth bottle.”
She pushed up to lean against the headboard and let the blanket fall off her gorgeous tits. Her hair was messy, and she looked positively ill, but my pants strained against my zipper.
“What time is it?”
I glanced at my watch. “Eight.”
Her eyes widened, but I held up a hand. “Salazar pushed his game back until eleven. Seems he too had a fun night.” I lifted a brow.
“I bet he did. Wait,” she squinted, “did he call you?”
“No, he called you.”
“You answered my phone?”
“I did.” I shrugged. “When a client calls three times in a row and you fail to wake, I step in. You’re welcome.”
“Thanks,” she couldn’t hide her irritation, “but you could have woken me, and how did I end up at your place and in your bed, anyway?” Leal wiggled out of his own bed and stood at the change in our voices. He was making excellent progress and could walk without much of a limp.
I scoffed at her comment. “You needed sleep. Do you remember last night?”
“Some of it’s foggy,” the corners of her mouth went up, “and some was pretty memorable.” She reached over and patted Leal, who rested his head on the side of the mattress. Zhar looked at me for permission to do the same, and I reluctantly gave a nod. He carefully made his way over, and Kenna smiled and patted him, too. She whispered something, but I couldn’t make it out. I’d never seen them take to anyone before, so I chalked it up to the fact that Kenna found Leal that night at Secrets and he’d had to let his guard down. Kenna did have a way of working her way into people’s lives.
“Well,” I stood and used my leg to move the boys back and handed her two pain killers and a water glass, “now that you tried and failed to take matters into your own hands, things are going to change around here.”
She swallowed the pills. “Change?”
“You’ll be sleeping here from now on.” I held her gaze but hadn’t expected her reaction. She burst out laughing.
“Yeah, okay, sure.” She swung the blankets back then groaned and put a hand to her head when she stood. “I mean, your girlfriend Jenelle will love that one.”
I cleared my throat at her jab. “I’m not kidding.”
“Who knew you were this funny?” She laughed again and disappeared into my closet and reappeared with one of my dress shirts on. It looked like a dress on her. I hid the satisfaction that she seemed comfortable enough to wear my stuff. When I didn’tsay anything, she turned to look at me. “No, Grim, that’s not going to happen.”
“But it will.”
She grabbed her purse and phone from the nightstand, but I stood in her way.
“You swung at a hornet’s nest last night.” I felt angry again but pushed it down. I took another approach. I slid my hand under the shirt and over her smooth, naked hip. “Kenna,” I kept my voice even, “he got to you before. What makes you think he won’t now?”