Page 26 of Sins
“I like that idea.” I hooked my purse over my wrist. “That’s it, I just wanted to bring it to your attention.”
“Thank you.” He stopped me as I stood. “I know it’s a lot to ask that you join in and keep up this facade that we don’t know Cameron killed Leo.” He pressed his hands on the table. “It’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever faced, but knowing this situation is a lot larger than we even thought, we need to keep it up a bit longer. We can’t risk it blowing up before we’re ready.”
“I’ve had to swallow a lot of things from Cameron my entire life.” My heart stung at my own admission. “A few more days or weeks won’t kill me.”
“You’re a strong woman, Kenna. Please come to me if you need to talk again.”
I gave him a nod and left.
I stepped into the empty elevator and sagged against the wall. I was pleased with my conversation with Jim but also exhausted. I could only imagine how hard this must be for him and Laurel, not to mention Grim and Knox. On a sudden urge, I pulled out my phone and texted Mom.
Kenna: When you have a free moment, I’d love to chat. Things are heavy here.
The elevator stopped on my way to the lobby, and I found myself face to face with my father. His face was in a panic as he stepped inside. He, of course, was with several men; he wouldn’t dare be alone at this point. He must be in a constant panic, as he had no idea who knew what and when someone might strike. I had no sympathy.The curse of being the Devil, I suppose.
“Humph. I hardly know you still work here anymore.” He stepped forward, and the men moved in behind him. “I might add, you’ve missed two family dinners as well.”
“Hello, Dad. How are you?” I rolled my eyes and thought about how nice he’d been only a short time ago. Even bringing up my childhood. I now realized it was mostly because he’d thought Grim had been killed on his order then found out it was Leo. He couldn’t even get that right.
“Don’t be smart, young lady,” he grunted, keeping his voice low as he glanced at the other men who spoke quietly behind us. “This has been a difficult time for all of us.”
How dare he!
Breathe, Kenna.
I closed my eyes and channeled all my control not to throat-punch him. It probably was another attempt to see what I knew. My fingers rolled into fists as I gave myself a pep talk inside.
“It’s been heartbreaking.” I barely managed to get the words out. “Have you spoken to Jim yet? Does he have any leads? I’ve been away in Hong Kong, and I’m not caught up.”
“You’re needed here, not galivanting around in Asia. Jim needs space right now.” He was such a coward. “You should remember that and pick up the slack at work.” How was I related to such a monster? “Grim, too. He doesn’t seem to realize his father isn’t well. He should be more supportive.”
I blinked at his words and looked up at him. “What does that mean?”
“I know you two are dating.” His large neck contracted against his tightly buttoned collar. “Do you really think it’s smart sleeping with the boss’s son?” I opened my mouth to tell him off, but his words seemed awfully close to, if not the same as, Jayden’s. Maybe Jim was on to something. Maybe Jayden had been talking to my father. Christ, was no one safe anymore? Were we all living in a den of vipers? “Grim is not the man your mother or I would choose for you, McKenna.”
Instantly I felt my back go up. “Thankfully, you don’t have a say in who I date, or in any part of my life, for that matter.” He sucked in a sharp breath at my disrespectful tone.
“Hey,” he grabbed my arm as the doors opened. Grim stood in the lobby speaking to someone, and he took in what was happening. “I mean it, McKenna.” My father squeezed my arm a little tighter. “I want you to stay away from him, if you know what’s good for you.”
Grim was already heading toward us. I looked down at my arm and then back up at my father. “First, I am your daughter, yes, and I’m asking you to please let go.” He didn’t. He was an ass like that. “Second, I’m not Calli, and I won’t let you dictatemy life.” As he still hadn’t let go, I pried his fingers from my arm. “It’s sad that this is where we are now.”
“That’s not my fault.” He stepped back when Grim appeared. I stepped out as he pressed the button to close the doors.
“Don’t ask,” I warned. “I’m playing my part.” When he didn’t say anything, I glanced up and saw an odd look on his face. “What?”
“I want to invite you to dinner.” He sent my head in a spin. Then it hit me; he was trying.Okay, this is nice.
“All right, where?”
“My place.” I caught a smirk on his face.
“Try again.”
“Fine. Seven-thirty at Desert Breeze.” One of the new restaurants on Secret’s rooftop? That was a good choice for a nice date.
“So public?” I teased him.
“We can always pivot back to my original idea.” He chuckled.