Page 43 of Sins
He showed his gap-toothed smile. “She screamed, and you came. So, the rumors are true. You do care for her.”
“You missed your mark at the square yesterday.” I tried to turn the attention away from Kenna. “She’s not who you want.”
He tilted his head at me as Kenna pushed against him. “Sí, the princess is always our mark, but this time, this one,” he loosened his grip, and she screamed as she went forward another few inches, “this one is a bonus,signore. One I was very happy to win.”
“Who put out the mark on her? Tell me, and I’ll pay you double.” I hoped he would go for it.
“She smells so good.” He got cocky and made a show of smelling her hair, and I catapulted forward and grabbed the rope that hung under the church bell and swung toward them. My legs wrapped around Kenna, and I pulled her back with me. The momentum threw the guy off balance, and he pinwheeled wildly then dropped with a scream through the opening into the church below us. His scream was cut short as he hit the pulpit.
The vibration of the bells above us rattled my brain as I prayed the old rope would hold us. I held on tight as Kenna had a death grip on my legs. We dangled there until Trigger’s head appeared above the stairs.
“You fuckin’ rang?” He turned his shit-eating grin on me.
“For fuck’s sake, pull this damn thing over and grab Kenna before both of us end up down there!”
He pulled Kenna up to the ledge then took his sweet time settling her before he helped me.
I untied her gag as Trigger reached out with his knife and cut the zip ties that held her hands. Then he nodded at me and disappeared down the stairs. I held my anger as I pressed thegag to the deep cut on her collarbone. Her top was soaked with blood, and I knew it must be painful. I was ready to explode, but she didn’t need to see that side of me at the moment.
“It’s okay,” I soothed her as she let go of her feelings and sobbed with relief and shock in my arms. “It’s okay,” I repeated and kissed her head as I squeezed her hard. “It’s all right now.”
“Is she okay?” Jesse stood at the top of the steps.
“Got a pretty nasty cut and a bad scare, but all things considered.” I huffed a breath to release some of my own tension.
Jesse licked a cut lip and swiped a hand across his battered face and nodded. “We should talk.”
Kenna barely spoke a word as I helped her out of the church. We walked past bodies and blood and got into Piero’s car.
“Oh, Kenna!” Mom’s face flushed when she saw Kenna’s state, but she stayed back, knowing not to fuss. “Grim?”
“Our doctor is already here.” Piero pointed to the other room. “He’s set up in the den.” Minnie and Mom headed in that direction with their arms around Kenna.
“Living room,” I directed, and everyone followed me through the other door.
Tess and Sienna sat on the couch while Trigger, Brick, Rail, and Morgan stood behind them.
“Three different phones.” Jesse placed each one on the table. “All had the same info on them about the hit. Kenna was definitely the mark.” I squeezed the top of the wingback chair and tried to fight the darkness that begged to take over.
Elio came in with Niccola and Vinni. “I’ve made some calls. Give me twenty-four hours, and my people will find out what this is about. I will leave no stone unturned, my friend. I’m sorry this has happened while you’re my guests.” His face was flushed with anger.
“I’ve doubled the security,” Piero added, “and we have checkpoints set up. No one can drive by without us knowing it.”
“I thought—” Tess said, “I thought this place was crawling with security.”
“Most likely one of our men was paid to look the other way.” Niccola stepped back and sat on the piano bench. “We pay them well, but we have learned money often outweighs loyalty.”
Sienna stood. “Or in some cases they are threatened. The hit men find out where their families are and force them to look the other way.”
“That’s true.” Niccola nodded. “Regardless, men who kill for money are ruthless, and there’s a certain thrill they get if they win the mark. Bragging rights, as you Americans say. We can hire all the security in the world, but if enough money is offered, they come out of the woodwork and will do whatever it takes.”
“It’s true,” Sienna moved to where Elio stood, “and where Kenna walked, in spite of the flowers, she was vulnerable, as there are several spots where she could be seen from the road.”
I closed my eyes and wished we were back in Vegas where I was in control. “We should leave.”
“If I may,” Andrea pulled her sweater around her shoulders, “that young woman has been through a lot. Maybe give her a day to rest. She’s hurt and upset. She will need to eat, and I’m sure our doctor will give her something for the pain. I ask you, please, don’t rush her.”
“Yeah, let’s not thrust her from this hell into another back home before she can catch a freakin’ breath,” Tess added. I nodded. She was right. At this point, if Cameron even so much as breathed in my direction, I’d shove my fist down his throat and pull out his heart.