Page 6 of Sins
Minnie’s mouth dropped open. “Okay, wait. Start again.”
“Turns out my father did get Leo killed, and now Grim is on the warpath.”
Minnie gasped, pulled out her phone, and made a call to Brick. As she filled him in, I gathered my things.
“Wait, Kenna, where are you going?”
I stopped at the door and drew in a deep breath. “Now that I’ve had a chance to get my head on straight,” I pointed back to the cage, “I need to speak to that murdering son-of-a-bitch father of mine.”
I didn’t wait for her to protest. I shot outside and rushed back to Indulge. Benny called out as I entered the lobby and hurried toward me. I hadn’t realized he was still in town.
“Hey,” he reached out as I rushed by and spun me right around as he snagged my arm, “where’s the fire?”
Flashbacks of Grim’s hotel Secrets being on fire came screaming back to me, but I quickly pushed them away.
“I’m late for?—”
“Your dinner?” he asked in a tone that made me look at him strangely, and he pointed a finger in the air. “Your father’s upstairs with Calli and some guy in that restaurant with the glass box. They seem to be looking for somebody. I just assumed it was you.”
“Yeah, they are.” I nodded through my lie.
He smiled like something ran through his head and let go of my arm.
He shrugged. “I understand why your boyfriend is so protective.” I dropped my gaze with how much his words bothered me. “Well, don't let me keep you.”
“Thanks.” I rushed away and slid into the elevator just as the doors were closing. I smiled at the old couple who were already inside out of habit then focused on what I needed to do.
I watched my father from a few yards away, He might as well have had a spotlight directed on him. He was making such a show of himself from his favorite “everyone can see me” table in the restaurant. He let go a loud belly laugh, head tipped back, and mouth wide open. Food spat from his mouth as my sister said something else and laughed along with him.
My temper shot to the surface as I clenched my fists. How could he have fun at a time like this? What an insensitive asshole.
He banged on the table and made a few guests look over as he laughed harder. Simon sat with them, but he seemed to be the only one who was conscious of the spectacle they made. He looked around a few times almost as if embarrassed.
My feet started to move on their own as a million different thoughts raced through my head. Every scenario I came up with ended with me making a scene. My blood pressure spiked. I felt my cheeks burn, and my heart pounded against my chest to the point of pain as I headed toward their table. The memory of Leo’s smile popped up in front of me, and pain mixed with the anger. Tears prickled my eyes as I grew closer. He was my father, but how could he do such a thing?
Suddenly, an arm wrapped around me, and I was steered in a different direction.
“What are you doing?” I snarled at Grim.
He waited until we were far enough away not to be heard by my father or the others. “Mom needs a word.”
“I was in the middle of something.”
He wouldn’t look at me. “I know.” He led me toward a table and pulled out a chair. Laurel Gates greeted me.
“Please,” she pointed to the chair, “have a seat.”
Grim took a chair then entwined his fingers and rested his hands calmly on the table. I found that odd, considering the man he wanted to kill was across the room from us. “You weren’t in the pool, and you haven’t been to your suite yet, and why is your hair wet?”
“What? Are you watching me?” I shook my head, confused about why he’d bring that up right now.
“Grim, please,” his mother said quietly. I turned my attention to her and took in her rigid posture and the heavy bags under her eyes. “I’m going to address the elephant in the room.” She nodded over my shoulder, and I didn’t need to turn to know she referred to my father and the others who sat across the room. “It’s true, dear, all of it.” She placed a hand on mine. I immediately felt the weight of my father’s actions slam down on my shoulders. I tried to fight the tears that pooled in my eyes, but it was impossible. It was true; my father was a monster. “Your father killed my son.” She paused to swallow while I sat stiffly in my seat. “We have all the proof we need.”
“I’m so sorry, Mrs. Gates,” I said softly, not knowing what else to say. “I truly had no idea.”
“I know you are, and I know that too.” She tugged at her yellow cardigan and shivered. “Because if you did, this conversation would be going very differently.”