Page 71 of Sins
Once he left, I listened for his footsteps to become faint then lifted the picture off the shelf and peeled back the cardboard. Wedged inside was a stack of papers. I thumbed through them and saw the printed-out emails. I didn’t bother to read them; I’d seen enough to know Cameron had been building a blackmail case against the Potens.
I tossed the lot in the trashcan, carried it to the bathroom, and dropped in a lit match. As it burned, I let my mind go. Secrets and sins were what drove people apart. The Tame family was no exception, and I didn’t want to know what else was going on. Now no one would. Cameron had done enough damage, and it was time to end it.
Morgan found me that evening as I hurried into Indulge. “Hey, got five?”
I rolled my wrist and saw I was going to be late for a meeting on the twentieth floor. “Ride with me.” I pulled out my keycard and tapped the keypad as the dogs followed us in and sat at my feet. Morgan waited until the doors closed before he started to talk.
“Everything’s set for tonight. Yen Hong even added some of his own people to help us out.”
“Good.” I was pleased to hear that.
“It’s all last minute, the whole thing. It might just throw Sonny off the scent.” The doors opened.
“We’ll see, won’t we?” I nodded and stepped out but then caught the door as it shut. “Thanks, Morgan.”
I whisked down the hallway and into the conference room to find Knox, Mom, and Dad sitting around the table.
“Good evening, son,” Mom greeted me, and I felt someone come up behind me.
“Sorry I’m late.” Kenna slipped by me, patted the pups’ heads, then took her seat with a huff. “Yen Hong wanted me to try on another dress, and, well, one thing led to another, but I’m here.” I stepped back and looked out the door then back at her.
“Where’s your security?”
“In the lobby.” She unscrewed the cap on her water bottle and took a sip.
I shook my head. “Why aren’t they up here with you?” She held up a hand and finished her drink. “Please, take all the time you need.”
“Grim…” Mom scowled at me.
“I’m just trying to understand why I pay good money to have these men watch over my soon-to-be wife and mother of my child, yet she arrives alone.”
“Don’t get your panties in a twist,” Kenna growled, and I heard Mom snicker then saw her hide a smile behind her hand. “Jesse met me at the elevator and gave them orders to check on something. He then escorted me to that door,” she pointed to the door of the conference room, “then he went back down, once he knew I was with you all.” She tilted her head at me, and her fingers strummed the table.
Knox clapped his hands. “See, wife-slash-baby momma is all good. So Grim can untangle his balls from his twisted panties and we can all move on with our lives. Dad, you’re up.”
I swatted the back of Knox’s head as I took my seat and eyed Kenna, who seemed to find Knox entertaining.
“First, before we get started,” Mom pulled her mini little shit of a dog onto her lap and stroked its back, “your father and I?—”
“And LeeLee,” Knox chimed in and threw a smug smile my way.
“Yes, and LeeLee.” Mom used a baby voice toward the dog while I took the opportunity to punch Knox in the thigh. He heaved over with a laugh. “Anyway,” Mom ignored us and looked at Kenna, “weallwanted to officially say congratulations to the two of you on your engagement and for granting us our firsthumangrandbaby.” She kissed the little shit’s head, and I glanced at Leal and Zhar, who looked less than impressed. At leasttheygot me.
“Thanks.” Kenna smiled around the table. “It’s all a bit fast,” I glared at her, and she put her hand on mine, “but I’m very excited to start our family.”
“That’s wonderful.” Mom covered Kenna’s other hand and squeezed it. “We’ll work out the details later.” She looked at Dad, and he took the floor.
“Kenna, you’re family now. That’s why you’re here, so I won’t sugar coat anything.”
“Please don’t.” Kenna shifted right into work mode.
Dad pulled out a file and slid it over to her. “Your mother has signed everything over to you. I was hoping, with your permission, I could do some digging in Cameron’s personal files. I just have to get the password.”
“Whatever you need.” Kenna didn’t miss a beat. “How is Mom?” I knew she had a lot of mixed feelings about her mother after all that had happened, but I felt I was doing my best to help her through it all.