Page 83 of Sins
Jesse’s phone lit up, and he studied the screen. “Huh.” I felt Grim turn to look at him. Jesse held up a finger. “I’ll be right back.”
I shifted in his hold to see him better. “Let me guess. Something to do with Sonny?” I watched his throat contract as he sipped his beer. His tattoos moved like they were real.
“Sonny hasn’t been seen for a few days.” He traced a finger down my neck. “We’re just making sure it stays that way.”
“And what about Simon?” I couldn’t help but feel bad for the guy. He just wanted a simple life. “How’s he holding up?”
“I went to visit him the other night.” That was news to me. “He knows what’s expected of him now.”
“I still can’t believe he’s Brick’s brother.”
Grim shook his head. “It’s a bunch of mind fuckery, right there.”
I tucked my hair behind my ear. “Do you think Simon’s a bad guy for not saying anything about Brick or that he worked for the Potens? Like, do you think he’s still a trustworthy guy?”
Grim set his beer on the table and tucked a hand behind his head, making his sexy muscles flex. “How do you feel?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. I like Simon. He’s always been nothing but kind to me. I think maybe he was given a shitty deal due to his father. He didn’t have much of a chance of getting what he really wanted out of life. Maybe he will now.”
He nodded. “I agree with that.”
“I’m a little worried about him, though, I thought maybe he’d reach out and touch base, but he hasn’t.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” he growled, and I could see the truth written all over his face.
“You told him to stay away from me, didn’t you?”
“I did.” He didn’t miss a beat.
I leaned back when he reached for my hand. “Why? You just agreed that he was given a shit life.”
“Just because I agreed doesn’t mean I want him around my soon-to-be wife.” He flipped me around and was suddenly on top of me. He kissed my chest, collarbone, and neck. I closedmy eyes, loving how he felt on my skin. “We need to purge our world of all things bad and start to rebuild with people we can trust.” His breath was hot against my skin. “But,” he leaned up and looked down at me, “if I thought Simon was truly bad, he’d already have his bones broken into little pieces. I’d have chopped him up and spread his bits around Vegas. So be happy for that.” I shivered at his words, and he smirked, clearly enjoying my reaction.
“Grim,” Jesse said, “We need to handle something.”
“Understood.” Grim kept his eyes on me. “Hey, Minnie.”
“Should I leave, or can I watch the show?” Minnie swooned. Jesse must have called her to stay with me.
“My girl needs her rest.” He kissed me. “Don’t leave. Promise me.” He glared at me.
“And risk you getting mad at me?” I wiggled my brows at him, but he wasn’t having it. “I promise.”
“Good.” He kissed me hard then left.
Minnie swept across the room and dropped into Jesse’s now vacant chair. She dug into her bag. “I come bearing comfort.” She pulled out my childhood panda bear.
“Oh, my God. Did you get him from my house?”
“Yup.” She grinned with shiny pink lips as she tossed him at me.
“Mr. Bamboo!” I caught my beloved stuffed animal and drank in his musty scent. “Thanks, friend.”
“Anything for you.” She snagged Jesse’s beer. “Now, what are we watching, because as much as I love a man in tight baseball pants, the sport itself does nothing for me.”
“Hey, Min?”