Page 87 of Sins
“Do you, Minnie, take Brick to be your main man?”
“I do!” Minnie beamed with a giggle.
“Do you, Brick, take Minnie to be your main girl?”
“Fuck yeah, I do!” He grabbed her face and slammed his lips to hers as I laughed. These Vegas chapels were a riot. The Elvis impersonator went on, and then Kenna squeezed my hand.
“Do you, Kenna, take Grim to be your main man?”
“I do.” She dried her tears of laughter. This entire thing was crazy, but I loved the idea of us tying our knot, and what betterway than to share our date with family? Kenna elbowed me when I missed my cue. “I swear to Lucifer, Grim.
“If he don’t, I will,” Rail chimed in, and I grabbed Kenna by the waist and stared down into her eyes.
“I do.”
“Damn right, you do.” She pressed her body to mine as Mom, Dad, and Knox started to cheer. Elvis continued, but all I cared about was that Kenna was now officially mine.
“Keep your promise to me, though,” I whispered for only her to hear. “I want you to have the wedding of your dreams once all this shit is over.”
“I promise.” She wrapped her arms around my neck. “But you know that doesn’t really matter to me. All that matters is you’re mine.”
That pesky sound of winding made me roll my eyes as Rail came close with his plastic camera.
“Cock your hip out a little, Kenna.” He snapped a photo. “Grim give me a little more of thatblue steelin the eyes. I want to really feel this moment, not just see it.”
“Christ,” I muttered.
“Min, give me some sexy shots.” Rail beamed as Minnie pulled Brick down and stuck her boobs in his face.
“Holy shit, are we done here?” I needed to get out of this place.
“Shall we celebrate?” Minnie squeaked as Brick pinched her ass. We all laughed.
“The rooftop, it is!” Rail shouted.
Jesse’s posture suddenly changed, and I noticed he had his phone to his ear. “Trigger,” he called, and Trig and I joined him and stepped away from the others. “You’ll never guess who’s in the lobby.”
“Who?” Trigger looked at me, and I shook my head, just as curious.
“Caleb.” The Stripe Back president.“Seems he’s got something to tell you.”
“That so?” I could almost hear the wheels turning in his head as he stroked his chin. When I made a move to head for the door, he stopped me. “You got a wife to celebrate.” His green eyes lit up. “If there’s any fuckin’ fun comin’, I’ll tell ya.”
I huffed. “All right.” I nodded and glanced at Kenna watching us.
He called Morgan to join him, and they slipped out before the others noticed.
“We goin’ or not?” Minnie called, and I joined Kenna with a grin and a wave to let her know all was okay.
“Yes, we’re coming.” I took Kenna’s hand as Knox blocked our path. The others headed for the elevator. “Just give me one second,” I said.
“Congratulations, Kenna. I know it’s been said, but I’m so glad you’re part of our family now.”
“Thanks, Knox.” She leaned in and hugged him. “That means a lot.”
He smiled at me. “A year ago, I would’ve placed a thousand dollar bet I’d never hear you say those words to a woman. I couldn’t be happier, and I know Leo would feel the same way.” He held out his hand. “I love ya, brother. Thanks for all you’ve done for me.”
“That was all you.” I pushed his hand away and gave him a hug. “I love you, too.” I kissed the side of his head. “Now, let’s stop all this mushy shit. I need a drink.” I grabbed Kenna and swept her into my arms.