Page 13 of Love Finds Home
“Okay, that’s creepy.”
“And then I started catching glimpses of Stefon outside the studio during the day. Not uncommon, he often met with people he was working with there. But then I saw him outside my place. For a week. I decided I needed to get out for a while and came here.”
“That’s stalking.”
“Nah,” I brush it off. “I think he was just lonely.”
“Elle. Fuck that. You broke up with him, and he kept showing up? That’s stalking. And you think he might have been the one fucking with you? That psycho stalking.”
“Yeah, well, I saw him last weekend at the benefit. We exchanged words. I had him escorted out by security, and I packed up as much as I could and came back here.”
“Does he know you’re here?”
“I don’t think so. We never talked about Tiny, so I’m not even sure he knows he exists. He had a hard-on for Nolan and what he did with the company. That was the only family member we ever really talked about.”
“Be careful. And call me if you need help, okay?”
“Thanks. Now, tell me more about Ranger’s building and this perfect place for an art studio.”
We stay up the rest of the night, talking about the studio and watching eighties John Hughes’ movies. We’ve just finishedThe Breakfast Clubwhen the texts start coming in. Still a little drunk, I can’t help but poke some fun at Ranger when his grumpiness comes through even over text. Ginny laughs when Joker also shows his grumpy side, and then we pass out on the giant couch. Ginny was right. This thing is massive and almost as comfortable as the bed. He might not get this baby back.
Chapter 4
Want to know whatsucks? Being woken up at seven in the morning for a non-emergency because your friends can’t help themselves and they have to know what’s going on at all times in all matters in all ways. And it’s really fucking annoying on a good day.
Today is a busy day. There’s too much shit to get done and no time to do it, and if my friends don’t stop with the all day worry, it’s not going to get done. Of course, they don’t know what I have to do, and I’d like to keep it that way.
I’m starting the morning in my shop. An appointment to cover up some fading spring break mistake from twenty years ago. I don’t normally ink women. Personal preference and all that, but this is a favor to Barbie, one of my fellow artists and friend. Her real name is Brenda, but she looks like a fifties pin-up model with platinum blonde hair and huge knockers. Barbie was given to her in Ranger school, and it stuck. We served together, andshe’s the one who talked me into opening this place. She’s been with me since day one, moving her wife and kids to Boulder Canyon without a question. She also covers for me when I need to be out on a case.
See, being still doesn’t work for me. The skills I learned as a Ranger are quite helpful in the private sector, but I didn’t want to go into bodyguard or mercenary work. I excel at sneaking around in the shadows, collecting evidence, and giving it to the people who need it. Sometimes that’s spouses looking for infidelity, other times it’s insurance fraud. There’s just enough danger to keep it interesting, and then I can go into the shop and let out my creative side.
“Barbie.” I nod as I walk through the lobby, only pausing to take a swig of my large coffee from the Diner.
“One of those days, huh?” she smirks at me.
“Oh, yeah,” I laugh humorlessly. “Tiny’s sister is in town. I guess I’m renting her the upstairs studio.”
“A woman?” she gasps with mock shock.
“You’re a woman,” I point out, knowing she’s just calling me out on my shit.
“I’m a woman who doesn’t want anything to do with what you have dangling between your legs. We both know it’s the only reason you tolerate me. And I let you look at my tits every once in a while to tide you over until you give up the celibacy fight.”
Sometimes I hate that certain people know me so well. “Fuck off.”
“Love you, too.” She smiles at me, patting my cheek as she moves to her station. “What are you secretly investigating tonight?”
“Just a job, nothing exciting.”
“Bullshit. If it was nothing exciting, you’d tell me. Who you trailing tonight?”
“A friend’s boyfriend. He gives me the creeps, and he’s a grade A asshole. He’s up to something, I know he is. I just can’t put my finger on it.”
“You have the best gut I’ve ever met. If you say he’s shady, he’s shady.”
“Thanks, Barbie-girl. Let’s get this show on the road and open the doors. Your friend will be here soon.”