Page 19 of Love Finds Home
I sit up taller. This is news. Ginny hasn’t said anything about getting married.
“It’s the only way, isn’t it?”
“Hmm. I guess that’s for you to figure out.”
My food arrives, and before I can tune back into the conversation, I look up and into the eyes of Daniel Allen. Eyes that are looking at me, a brow raised, and a smirk on his face. I know Joker has been working with him, but I haven’t seen him in a couple of years. Not since I went down to Briar Mountain and tattooed his wife and her sisters. And their men.
Forgetting all about the conversation behind me, I stare back at Daniel, hoping he can’t read the guilt on my face that is alwayspresent when I think about him, or say anything aloud about my get-up. Luckily, he just chuckles, shakes his head, and goes back to his meal. It’s only then I realize he’s sitting with a large number of the family that I met. His wife, Vic, her sisters, Lizzy and Kat. Their husbands and a few kids sit around the large table. When he turns his gaze from me to his wife, the ball in the pit of my stomach lurches. There was a time I didn’t think he’d survive. To not only see him whole, but happy and in love, brings up feelings I’d rather not feel. Because everything is all my fault. If I hadn’t left when I did. If Vanessa and my fucking brother hadn’t done what they did. If I hadn’t been on the bike. I would have been there when the ambush happened. Maybe I would have seen it coming and could have kept him from almost losing his life.
And just like that, my appetite is gone. I don’t give a fuck about what Keith is up to or who the mystery woman is. The antsy feeling I had after running out on Elle seeps from my body, and all I want to do is go home and get in bed. I pull out my wallet and throw some money on the table before standing up and walking to the door without looking at anyone. I almost make it free and clear. Almost.
“Cross!” Daniel’s voice follows me into the night.
I only stop when I get to my truck, yanking the denim shirt off and tossing it into the back along with the horrible hat and glasses. Unfortunately, the mustache is going to have to wait. I don’t carry spirit gum remover with me on the regular.
“What the fuck, man?” Daniel asks as he catches up to me.
“Hey.” I turn to him, nodding my head. “Sorry, had to get away from the doors.”
“Who’re you following?”
“Some prick from BC. He’s up to something, but I don’t know what. He’s either into some nasty shit or cheating on his girl. Either way, I’m trying to find something.”
He smiles, knowingly. “His girl your friend?”
“Yeah, you could say that. She’s part of the group up there.”
“Of course she is. You always take care of your people.” Ouch, guilt stab right to the gut. “How’s everything going? It’s been a while.”
“It’s going, man. You should get back to your family. I’ve got to get going.”
Ass. Hole. That’s me.
Daniel’s face falls, but he nods knowingly. “Yeah, sure. I’ll call you soon. Maybe we can catch up?”
“Sounds good. See ya.”
Before he can say anything else, I’m in the truck with the door closed.
“Fuck!” I yell, hitting my hands on the steering wheel. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Today has officially sucked. I speed back to Boulder Canyon, trying not to think of anything. I need to get home before anyone else is exposed to me today. I know I’m an asshole, but I’m not usually a fucker. What’s different about today? Today’s the day a pixie with pink tipped hair barged into my life with her sass and attitude. Who didn’t back down or run away. Whose pussy gripped my cock like it was made just for me.
When I drive back into town, I pass the shop, my eyes drawn to the second floor. Usually dark, tonight there’s light shining out of the window. I pull over to the side of the road and look at the window. Maybe if I stare hard enough, I’ll be able to see through the wall to find out what Elle is doing. And maybe she’d think I was a stalker if I did that and have me thrown into jail.
I squeeze my eyes closed, cussing myself out in my head, before throwing the truck back into gear and heading home. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.
Chapter 7
“Hey, Jorge!” I smileinto the phone when my studio manager and friend answers.
“Elle-Belle! Why did you have to leave me? Life is so dull without you around fucking shit up!”
“Oh, hush,” I laugh. “You know you get into trouble all by yourself. You don’t need my help to do that.”
I met Jorge years ago at a nightclub, and we hit it off immediately. He was nursing a broken heart, and I was fresh from my d-i-v-o-r-c-e that will never be spoken about again. He’s absolutely every woman’s dream—tall, tan, and built, smart, and funny. Oh, and gay. Of course, right?