Page 41 of Love Finds Home
Ranger: She’s not gonna tell you anything.
Tiny: Why wouldn’t she?
Joker: Because you’re her brother and she knows that you’re an overprotective oaf who will go overboard over something that might not be anything.
Ranger: But we don’t know it’s not anything.
Davis: Trish seems to think it’s something.
Tiny: What does Trish know?
Davis: Nothing. But she thinks there’s something going on. I mean, does nobody else think it odd that she just decided she was done with the city and wanted to move here?
Tiny: I mean, that’s what I did.
Joker: Does that mean your entire family’s gonna pack up camp and move here?
Tiny: No, I don’t think so.
Joker: Exactly. So why does your sister who has a business think she needs to be here and not there?
Ranger: I definitely think there’s something going on.
Tiny: What do you know?
Ranger: You know her manager, Jorge?
Tiny: Yeah, I know Jorge.
Ranger: He asked me about the security of the studio.
Tiny: He did what?
Ranger: You heard me.
Tiny: And you didn’t tell me this?
Ranger: I didn’t think anything about it at the time. I mean, he wanted to know if her supplies were gonna be safe.
Tiny: Yeah, supplies can be replaced. He doesn’t give a shit about her supplies.
Ranger: I don’t know, man. I’m just telling you he asked me about it.
Joker: So we’re all in agreement she’s hiding something?
Davis: Yeah, we’re in agreement.
Tiny: Figure it out. It’s my sister.
Joker: On it.
Ranger: Wait. How on it are you?
Joker: Just leave me to it.
Davis: She’s gonna kill us. You know that, right?
Tiny: I don’t care if it keeps her safe. That’s all that matters.