Page 48 of Love Finds Home
Sarge stands and pats me on the back. “You don’t have to give me a response. But think about what I said, son. Know that no matter what happened in the past, your future is what you make it to be. And that can be happy with someone who challenges you and makes you feel, or you can keep up the damaged grump thing you have going on. I’ll stand by you, either way.”
I nod to Sarge, but don’t have any words to give him. I hear him sigh as he walks away, but I know he knows I’ll think about everything he said. I’m completely in my head when Tiny announces that the shopping trip was a success and the girls are on their way home. It’s load up time. We hit the road headed north. A few more minutes to enjoy the wind in our faces and the freedom that comes with sitting on a bike.
We all break off and go our separate directions when we make it to the town line. I go home and shower, grabbing something to eat, giving the girls enough time to get back to town. I drive by Elle’s apartment and see her Jeep in the driveway and a light on in the apartment. There’s something on her porch, but I don’t want to be found out by looking at what it is. We need to get cameras on her front door.
I head to the shop, knowing I’m not going to sleep anytime soon. There’s always paperwork to be done when you own abusiness—and I own two. So I sit in the office with the cameras on, and when I see Elle sneaking through the darkness and up the back stairs, I can’t help but smile. Something told me she’d be here tonight, and I feel better seeing her, even if it’s through the camera lens. Only when I’m sure she’s in her studio for the night am I able to go home and go to bed. Knowing she’s safe is all that matters. And that thud I felt in my chest when she came on screen? We’re just going to ignore that for now.
Chapter 18
After I drop Trishand Lottie off at their respective homes, Ginny gets me where she wants me. Alone in a car.
“Why aren’t you sleeping at home?” she asks as soon as Lottie has closed the door.
“What do you mean? Of course, I’ve been home,” I lie.
“No, you haven’t. You haven’t turned any lights on in over a week. Care to explain?”
I shrug a shoulder, while keeping my eyes on the road. “I guess I’ve just been lost in my art. That’s not unusual.”
“Really? Lost in your art? I was hoping you’d tell me you’d found some hot sexy thing to get naked with.”
“Seriously?” I laugh. “You thought I’d found a stud?”
“I hoped. But now you tell me it’s only art stuff, and I don’t buy that.”
“So, if I told you I was fucking some dude you’d buy that, but when I tell you I’ve been working in the art studio because I’m an artist, you call bullshit?”
“Sorry, hate to tell you, but that’s the truth. I’ve got a show to prep for the same weekend as the wedding, and sometimes that means all-nighters and passing out on the couch.”
“I’ll let you keep your secret, but I’m watching you. If something’s going on, I’m here for you, okay?”
“Same to you, Gin. Always.” I smile at her, knowing she means it.
But I also know that part of my issue lives with her. Her Keith, well, he’s not a good guy. I know him from the Cove. He used to try to hang out with the women in the same social circle I was a part of. I know he did questionable things trying to become a part of that group, and I wouldn’t want to be left alone with him. He’s a manipulator, and narcissist, and a grade-A asshole. Does that make me a horrible person for not telling her? I don’t know, but I’m afraid she wouldn’t listen. Who am I to tell her what her boyfriend used to do? She hasn’t listened to her two oldest friends in the world tell her he’s a jerk, why would she listen to me?
I pull into my driveway, shutting off the Jeep.
“Thanks for today, Elle,” Ginny says, giving me a sideways hug. “I know the girls were reluctant at first, but you truly are an artist. With paint and clothes. They are going to be beautiful brides.”
“Will you be joining that club one day?” I ask, praying the answer is no.
“Oh, I don’t know. I’m not sure I’m supposed to get married. Guess we’ll have to see what Keith does, huh?”
I don’t know if she realizes she flinches every time she says his name. She doesn’t love him. Why is she with him?
“Hey, you know if you ever want to talk…” I trail off.
“I know. But I don’t. Everything is fine. Life is great!”
The effort to say those words is killing her. The smile and enthusiasm are fucking lies. She knows it. I know it. She knows that I know. I nod, accepting her answer, watching her shoulders fall in relief.
“Okay, I’m going in. Have a good night.” She escapes the Jeep before I can even reply, racing to her side of the street.
I get out and close the door behind me. I look at the front porch, knowing I need to go inside. If not to prove Ginny wrong, then to prove to myself that I’m not a coward.