Page 53 of Love Finds Home
“And we listen to our guts.”
“Plus,” Joker adds, “he’s a horrible boyfriend.”
Even Tiny smiles at that, the urge to call Joker out going unspoken.
“I mean, what did we ever do to him for him to hate us?”
“Could be that we were assholes to him the first time we met.”
“Only because he was being a fucker to Ginny,” Joker defends.
“Not saying it wasn’t warranted,” I agree. “I’m just saying, you know, maybe the asshole holds a grudge. Maybe he can’t get over the fact that we were assholes too, because we were.”
“It’s what guys do. We protect the females in our group from assholes,” Joker again defends our actions.
“I still don’t like the guy,” I say. “He’s doing something shady, and I’m going to find out what it is.”
“Not if I find out first.” Joker grins.
“Fuck you. What are we doing tonight?” I ask, sitting on my stool in front of Joker.
He pulls out a drawing and hands it to me.
“Is that a cello?” Tiny asks.
“Yeah,” Joker mulishly answers.
“Any particular reason you’re getting a cello?” Tiny grins, knowing full well why.
“No,” Joker answers quickly. Too quickly.
I save him by changing the subject this time. “Everyone getting ready for next week?”
Tiny immediately lights up. “I am so ready to wife that woman.”
“What about the other part?” I ask, knowing he’s been working on adoption paperwork to surprise Lottie and Nat with.
“It’s in the works. My brothers have been helping, and I talked to James Covey last week, and he’s getting all the paperwork drawn up and processed.”
“And how is the sperm donor?”
“He signed his rights away two months ago. Came to me and asked if I would take care of them.”
Joker pats him on the shoulder, a small smile on his lips. “You might be an asshole when it comes to your sister, but you’re a fucking good man.”
“I just love them. They’re my girls,” he tells us, and I hear the catch in his voice.
We don’t continue the conversation after that. I get to work on Joker. Tiny puts on some music and pours us all a drink. Coke for me, since I don’t drink while I’m inking. A single shot of whiskey for Joker—don’t want his blood too thin. Tiny settles on a beer. I get to work putting the cello on his left shoulder. We all know it represents Ginny. What Tiny doesn’t know is that over the last two years, Joker has slowly added ink to representeveryone in our ragtag family. He’s got a book for Trish, a wolf for Lottie, and now a cello for Ginny. He’s also got something that represents the male faction of our group. I wonder what he would do for Elle. A paintbrush maybe? An easel? Would he put it next to the tattoo gun on his left bicep that represents me?
Before the night is over, Davis joins us, having closed up the bar. Sarge calls to make sure we’re all behaving. Always the dad of the group. Always our Sarge. Trish and Lottie both call to check up on the guys, and slowly everyone starts to disperse—Tiny to see Lottie at the clinic, Davis home to his family. Joker leaves with a promise to keep tabs on Keith for the next day or so. By the time I lock the door behind them, it’s two in the morning.
I turn off the music and can hear Elle moving around upstairs. It sounds like she’s pacing, but I can’t be sure. I wish I knew what was going on in her head. Is she working overtime trying to finish up everything for the show? Is she in the groove and can’t step away for fear of losing her mojo? The earlier conversation replays in my mind. Maybe it’s more. Maybe she needs someone. Maybe that someone could be me…just for the night.
I take the stairs two at a time and knock on the door. Part of me prays she doesn’t answer. A larger part—a growing part—prays she does. Naked.
But when the door swings open, I am not prepared for what I find.
Chapter 20