Page 6 of Love Finds Home
“Fuck. Were you having a party when this happened?”
Tiny sheepishly looks at Lottie, who smirks at him. “Umm, they might have been notified there was someone outside of the house?”
“You secretly set up security on her, didn’t you?” I ask, punching his arm.
“No?” he replies, but it’s more of a question.
“Idiot. You know we all love her, and are counting on you not to fuck things up!”
“I know, okay. I know. We just got…busy and I haven’t had a chance to tell her yet. That’s all! I swear I wasn’t trying to hide it from her.”
“God, you’re a fucking moron, you know that, right?”
He smiles at me and pulls me into a hug. Like he knows I need to feel him to know he’s alright. My brother might be a moron,and lord knows he’s full of stupid ideas, but I know everything he does is with his whole heart and wanting to keep those he loves safe.
And, if this isn’t a welcome home, I don’t know what is.
Chapter 2
Jonathan “Ranger” Cross
Lottie’s house has toomany fucking people in it. The noise level is giving me a headache, and the fear I have over one of our friends being in trouble makes it worse. I do my best work when left alone with the facts and being able to walk my way through everything.
I don’t think her dad has anything to do with the shit going on in town. But I do think there’s something seriously fucked up about that family, and I’m glad Tiny finally pulled his head out of his ass and realized he was the perfect guy for Lottie.
Watching my friends fall for their perfect matches sucks sometimes. But that’s only because my perfect match turned out to be a two-timing whore. These guys obviously have better bullshit detectors than I do, because there’s no way in hell any of these women would fuck over their men. Except Davis. It took him an extra-long time to get his head out of his ass and realize what he was missing.
I’m about to leave when the door opens and a whirlwind comes rushing in. A tornado yelling at everyone and demanding information with blonde hair and pink tips comes to a stop in front of Tiny.
This is hissister?!
She’s a walking disaster in a pint-sized package. I know Tiny told me her name, but he always calls her Pixie, and if that ain’t the fucking truth. She’s like a real-life Tinkerbell. Short, small but firm looking tits, and a bubble butt that just begs for attention, and big, blue eyes that look like they can suck the soul out of anyone who dares to make eye contact.
“What?” Lottie asks quietly, not looking directly at me, which is good. Who knows what my face is saying.
“That’s his sister?”
“That’s Elle,” she confirms.
“And you thought she’d be a good match to rent the studio to?”
“I did.”
“Have you lost your fucking mind? In what world did you think she’d be a good fit for above the shop?” I demand, knowing my voice is rising with each word as I feel the anger rising.
“No, Ranger, I haven’t lost my fucking mind. You have a space. I have a friend that needs that space. You don’t have to ever see her if you don’t want to.”
Lottie is mad. At me. I hate making her mad. She’s the nicest person on the earth with the biggest heart. Fuck.
I feel a tap on my arm and look over…and down into the angry face of Tink herself.
“Umm, hi. Yeah, all I know is that you’re talking about me, and I generally hate when people do that, so could you not be a douche-canoe and stop?”
“A douche-can…” I can’t even finish the word. Who the fuck is this girl?
We face off, glaring at each other. I don’t know why I’m so mad at her, but her entire existence pisses me off.
“Enough!” Joker yells, getting everyone’s attention. I finally break the stare I have withElle.“You two can have your little bitch fight later. Ranger, suck it up and let the one without a penis into your fucking space. She needs this, you need this, get the fuck over yourself and deal. Tiny, did you fill everyone who missed anything in on what’s going down?” He pauses for Tiny to nod his head. “Good. Then let’s get this show and tell on the road. I have places to be.”