Page 97 of Love Finds Home
She turns in the tub, straddling me, my unruly cock growing on its own accord.
“Are you sure? We can just sleep tonight if that’s what you need,” I assure her.
“I need you. I need to feel you and know you’re real and that we’re good and that I’m alive.”
“You’re alive. You’re very much alive. And if that’s what you need, that’s exactly what we’ll do.” I pull her in for a kiss but pull back before we end up finished in the tub. “And I need youto know, I’m serious. This house? It’s now yours, too, if you’ll accept. I need you, too, Tink. And I’ll need you forever.”
Three Months Later
To the world, I’man asshole. To Elle, I’m whatever she wants me to be. Sometimes that’s an asshole, but most of the time, it’s a man with a smile. There’s been some bumps in the road. Both Elle and Ginny are in therapy, sometimes even going together, and Elle’s had some nightmares. I set up a makeshift studio in one of the spare rooms at my house with the knowledge she wasn’t ever going to be able to work in the studio again. I’ve also set up a corner for her in the shop so she can be close when she needs to be. There’s not much, but I make sure there’s a stack of sketchpads and fresh pencils at all times.
Her mom and brothers did swoop in early the morning after the incident and took over. When they showed, Elle told me I should sit back and watch and let them do what they do, so we did. My house was completely renovated in three weeks. There were no less than five crews working on it simultaneously. New floors, new walls—or fewer walls in some cases, and an addition to the back of the house that’s an enclosed sunroom. It’s where Elle paints now. Her artwork graces the walls and her touches are in every room. I have throw pillows. Joker had a field day with that.
But today, I have something up my sleeve to surprise Elle with, and I hope she loves it. She misses the gallery in the Cove. Her brothers sold that building as soon as they could, and Jorge is the Art Director of a new location. They are going to bring featured artists in to work in the big studio and Elle has a smaller one for those times we visit. She misses pottery, though, and I know she misses mingling with others while talking art.
“Where are we going?” she asks as I blindfold her and walk her out of the house and to the truck.
“If I told you, it would ruin the surprise.” I kiss her cheek.
“I won’t tell.” She smiles at me.
“Not a chance, Tink.” I wink at her.
"I can feel you winking at me," she mutters, stubborn as always.
“It’s almost time," I laugh. "Just a little while longer.”
I drive us to the shop and park my truck. It’s a full lot already. Everyone is here today to surprise my girl. It makes me happy that this family we’ve built in Boulder Canyon shows up when bad things happen, but they also show up when good things are happening. It’s grown over the years. My friends have found their perfect matches and brought new family in, and now I’m part of that. Elle is definitely my family.
“Ready?” I ask as I open the truck door and help Elle out.
“Still wish I knew what for,” she grumbles.
“Patience, baby. Patience.”
I walk her around the building to the front, Tiny quieting the crowd of family and friends and various others from the community gathered, and place her right where I want her. I look around at everyone smiling, some with tears in their eyes already, and smile at the love my girl is being shown.
“Thank you all for gathering here today,” I begin, making Elle turn towards my voice. “A couple of months ago, someone came into our slice of heaven and tried to hurt us. We won’t let that stand. And today, I’d like to present Elenore Workman with a surprise to let her know that not only do we love her, we value what she can bring to this town. This community. I’d like to welcome you all to the official opening of Elle’s new gallery and studio.” Elle gasps beside me, but I continue. “She’s going to have to name it, I’m not good at that,” the crowd laughs, “but, Elle,” I say, turning her in my arms with her back against my front, “I want to show you something special I’ve been working on with your brothers.”
I remove her blindfold, and she looks at the building with wide eyes, tears already making them shine. “What is this?” she quietly asks me.
“You need a space to keep being your talented self, baby, and this lets you do that, and all the other amazing things you want to do. It’s a place for the community to learn more about art in any way you want to show them.”
“Jonathan,” she whimpers. “How?”
“Your family can get shit done on a timeline. Did you know that?” I smirk when she laughs. “They helped. And now, it’s a reality, and no matter where we are, you’ll be close.”
“Can we go inside?” she looks so excited, I can’t help but pull her in for a kiss. We get lost in it until she breaks it off to the whistles and whoops of the people watching us.
“Lead the way.”