Page 11 of Love Takes Home
“Fuck off. What do you want?”
“I need to know who was on Subject Asshole’s tail yesterday and today, and where he was prior to three this afternoon.”
“You know, you’re obsessed with this guy. It’s unhealthy.”
“Just fucking tell me.”
“Geez. Hang on, asshole.”
I’m pacing in the small space, keeping an eye on Ginny, and stuffing my face with the pizza. I can’t fight this feeling that something isn’t right here.
“Jones was on him from Friday night, starting at midnight until noon. And it looks like Smith took over after that. He’s still on for a couple more hours.”
“Any notes on his whereabouts?”
“Friday night, he was in Rock Hill. Looks like he met up with some woman. They had dinner and separated. He then drove to Diamond Cove.”
“And did what?”
“Don’t know. There’s nothing reported after that.”
“We don’t know what time he departed Diamond Cove?”
“Nothing as of noon. He was still there. And we don’t have Smith’s records yet since he’s still on for another couple of hours.”
“And he didn’t think it was important enough to notify anyone that the subject was in a wreck?”
“Wait, what?”
I explain to Nate what happened today and what we saw. He lets me get the entire thing out before I hear him whistle.
“So you think he was also ditching and something happened at the last minute to make him come back? Could just have been a case of cold feet that he got over.”
“Don’t you think he would have called someone and let them know he was running late?”
“You know the guy more than I do, man. What’s your gut say?”
“My gut says there’s something more going on here, just like it always has. Why’s he spending so much time with a woman we can’t find anything on? Who is she, and where did she come from?”
“Can’t answer that for you. Why did you think it was odd? I mean, wasn’t he back in Boulder Canyon?”
“The position of his car. It wasn’t right. Almost like he was turning around to go away from the church.”
“How do you figure?” I can hear the curiosity in Nate’s voice. He’s getting invested.
“I didn’t think much of it when we drove past. The car was in the median, and it was facing the church. But the damage was on the front passenger side, and that much damage would have caused the car to spin the opposite direction without anything stopping it. And it was right past a turnaround on the highway. You know the spot cops usually sit in to catch speeders?”
“So you think he was headed back but changed his mind and took the turnaround—”
“Going too fast and hit the other driver, pushing them both into the grassy median—”
“Facing Boulder Canyon instead of away.” He finishes our thought. “We need to get with Smith and find out what he knows about it.”
“I’ll talk to him and see what he’s got. How’s your girl?”
“She’s not—”
“Don’t even fucking try it,” he interrupts me again.