Page 120 of Love Takes Home
She smacks me on the arm. “Hey! I’m not stubborn.”
“No, of course not,” me and her dad say at the same time.
She grins and continues eating.
About ten minutes later, there’s a knock on the door and before I can stand up, the door opens. This is obviously a friend.
“Hey, where are you guys?” Davis asks.
“He always do that?” Mr. Mills wants to know.
“Pretty much. They all do,” I quietly tell him.
“In the kitchen!” Ginny yells out.
“What’s going on over here that I had to rush—” He cuts himself off as he enters the kitchen. “What’s he doing here?”
“What’s going on is we’re staging an intervention.” Ginny sits up straight and clasps her hands together, assuming the 'don’t fuck with me' pose. She adds a somewhat maniacal grin as the cherry on top. I might be wearing off on her.
“Why do I need an intervention?” Davis asks.
“It’s not for you. It’s for both of you. You need to stop being so fucking stubborn,” she tells Davis before turning to her dad. “And you need to just tell him everything.”
“He told me everything,” Davis grouses.
“Well, if he told you everything and you’re mad at him, that’s a you problem.”
“Why are you so vested in this?”
“I miss my fucking family! Even when you all weren’t talking much, you weren’t actively avoiding him.”
“Wasn’t my fault we weren’t talking,” Davis argues.
“No, I agree,” Ginny concedes. “And Dad knows this.”
“She’s right,” Mr. Mills speaks. “She’s been telling me for years.”
“How long has she known?”
“I’ve known for fifteen years.”
“And you’re okay with it? He’s a fucking kidnapper!”
“A what?” Ginny asks. I also look at him like he’s got two heads. “You’ve got something very wrong, brother. I found out what he does because I had a girl in my class that needed help, and he helped her.”
“Yeah? Did he ship her off south of the border?”
“What the fuck do you think he is?”
“I don’t know, but it’s not legal and he should be in jail!”
“What the fuck did you tell him?” I ask Mr. Mills. Turning to Davis, I say, “If you really thought he was breaking the law like that, why’s he still sitting here, a free man?”
“I don’t know, but nothing he said made any sense for someone doing something legal!”
“Sit down. Now!” Mr. Mills barks in a voice that almost makes me piss my pants. Davis does what he’s told. “The girl in Ginny’s class was being molested by her father and beaten by her mother who blamed her and was jealous that her own child was now getting that pervert’s attentions.”
Davis looks at Ginny, who nods. “He’s telling you the truth.”