Page 26 of Love Takes Home
“So, they were talking about pot?”
“I don’t think so. Seemed to be something more than that. Sounded more like X or something. I heard them say it pumps you up so you can go all night.”
“You think someone here in Boulder Canyon got ahold of some ecstasy?” Nicole asks.
“Or a little blue pill.” Linda snorts, causing us all to laugh.
“I don’t know,” Quinn says when she’s got the giggles under control. “But I think we probably need to keep an eye out, don’t you? Pot’s one thing. I don’t know of anyone dying from anoverdose of that, but anything stronger? I think we need to pay attention.”
All of us are thinking of what could happen with illegal substances in the hands of high school kids when Paula rushes in.
“Oh, my gosh, I’m so sorry I’m late!”
“It’s alright,” I smile at her. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Her eyes are wild, and she looks terrified.
“I don’t want to tell you.”
“Well, now you have to,” Linda smirks.
She blows a breath out. “I just saw…Keith,” she whispers his name.
“I mean, he does live here. It’s not that unusual to see him around, is it?” I ask.
“He, um, well, he wasn’t alone.”
“Anyone we know?” Quinn asks.
“Bethany McGraw.”
“The fifth-grade teacher?” I know that’s who it is, but I want clarification.
“That’s her. She was kind of hanging all over him.”
“Good for them,” I flippantly reply. “Maybe that means he’ll keep leaving me alone.”
“You’re seriously okay with this?” Linda wants to know.
“Why wouldn’t I be? I walked away from him. And I’d like to go the rest of forever without actually having to talk to him. So if he’s busy with someone else, that’s good news for me.”
“Have you talked to him at all?”
“He didn’t try to contact you after…?”
“He did not. And I didn’t call him either. He had some words for all the nurses in the hospital that day about how horrible I was, which started all the rumors, but he hasn’t talked to me or any of my family or friends.”
“How are you avoiding him at school?”
“There’s no need for him to come into the music room, and I don’t go searching him out, either. I come in, go to my class, stay there all day, and leave when the final bell rings. I don’t stick around like I used to.”
“Good for you.” Nicole gives me an encouraging smile.
“Can I ask you all something?”
There are four head nods in the affirmative.
“What happened to you all this summer? Where have you guys been?”