Page 64 of Love Takes Home
“Fuck you.” He tries to sound tough, but the repugnant odor of piss invades my nose, and I know the man is terrified.
“That’s right, motherfucker. When faced with someone who isn’t afraid to fight back, you piss your pants. Big man, huh?”
“Let him go,” Ginny demands, her voice stronger than it was. “He’s not worth it.”
“Got that fucking right.” I grin at her. “You hear that? You’re not fucking worth it.”
I pinch his neck, which causes him to squeal, and walk backward to the door.
“I’ll be right back,” I tell Ginny before pulling the fucker into the hallway. “You are going to listen to me very carefully. I won’t think twice before killing you. And know I’ll make it painful. We all know what you did to Ginny when you were with her. How you treated her. And if you continue to harass her or threaten her in any way, you’ll never sleep again wondering when I’m coming for you.”
“Let me go, asshole.”
“I’ll let you go when I’m fucking ready to let you go. Now, you and me? We’re going to the office. I’m going to take a copy of the security footage from Ms. Mills’s classroom and if you try anything, I’ll make sure it gets in the hands of every person I know from here to Baltimore. And I know a lot of people.”
“You threatening me?”
“Oh, it’s not a fucking threat. It’s a promise. You fuck with her life anymore, and there will be retribution.Myretribution.”
I let go and push him down the hallway to the office. He tries to run, but seriously? I could read the attempt five seconds before he even thought it. Fucking idiot. I reach out and slam him against the wall, taking the keyring off his belt, avoiding the wetness running down his front and leg.
“Seriously, did you just piss yourself again? Might want to see a doc for that problem.”
“Fuck you,” he mumbles, his face still smashed into the wall.
“No thanks. I think I’d rather fuck that beautiful woman in there that you’ll never get a taste of again.”
“You think this is over, but it’s not.”
“Oh, but it is. I’ll ruin your fucking life before anyone even has the chance to get my full name right.”
I get the office door unlocked and march us right to the security room. I force him down into a chair and the look I give him makes him freeze. Huh. Maybe I haven’t lost my touch yet.
I go to the computer system that houses the security system and cameras and it takes under two minutes to queue up the footage I need, including the face slam into the wall. I send it to myself and turn to the fuck nugget.
“You’re going to leave this building now. And you aren’t going to return until Ginny is gone. And if you give her any shit tomorrow or the next day, remember, I’ll make your life a living nightmare.”
“I’ll go to the cops.”
“No, you won’t.”
“Fuck you, yes, I will.”
“Go for it. Want me to call Sam Carmichael now? I’ll tell him all about what I heard you saying to Ms. Mills. How you threatened her life.”
“It’ll be your word against mine, and I’m a much more influential man in this community than you are.”
“Are you sure about that?” I ask, raising a brow at him.
He gulps and doesn’t answer.
“That’s what I thought. Now, leave.”
“I can’t. I can’t leave until everyone’s gone!” he whines, and I smirk.
“You can. You will. I’ll make sure the door locks behind you and you can come back and do what you have to do after we’re gone.”
I pull him up and push him out of the office and to the front door. I go to the one that’s still propped open and kick the stopper out of the way before using his body to keep the door open.