Page 29 of Sins & Paradise
I shrug off his hand, whirling to face him. "The good of the family?" I scoff, disbelief etched onto my features. "How can you say that? How can you just stand there and let this happen?"
My brother steps forward, his eyes cold and calculating. "Because we're not weak like you, Angela. We understand that sometimes sacrifices have to be made. That people need to learn their place."
Bile rises in my throat as the pieces fall into place. They knew about Miguel's plans. They supported them. The realization hits me like a punch to the gut, leaving me breathless and reeling.
"You're all insane," I whisper, backing away from them. "I won't be a part of this. I won't let you destroy more lives."
Miguel's hand shoots out, gripping my arm in a bruising hold. "You don't have a choice," he snarls, his face inches from mine. "You're my wife, Angela. You'll do as I say."
Panic claws at my chest as I struggle against his grasp, my eyes darting desperately around the yacht. But there's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. I'm trapped, at the mercy of the men I once called family.
As Miguel drags me towards the cabin, my father and brother watching impassively, a sickening realization dawns on me. This is my life now. A prisoner in a gilded cage, bound to a monster masquerading as a husband.
And as the door slams shut behind us, cutting off the last sliver of light, I can only pray that somehow, someway, I'll find a way to escape this nightmare.
Miguel shoves me roughly into the cabin, slamming the door behind him. I stumble, nearly losing my footing on the polished wood floor. The small space feels suffocating, the walls closing in around me as Miguel stalks towards me, his eyes blazing with a terrifying mix of anger and possessiveness.
"You've been a bad girl, Angela," he growls, backing me up against the wall. "Did you really think I wouldn't find out? That you could betray me like this and get away with it?"
My heart pounds in my chest as confusion and fear war within me. "What are you talking about, Miguel? I don't understand!"
His hand shoots out, gripping my chin painfully as he forces me to meet his gaze. "Don't play dumb with me. I know you've been fucking someone else. I can see the proof right here on your pretty little neck."
His fingers dig into the tender flesh where my neck meets my shoulder and I cry out in pain. Realization crashes over me like a tidal wave. The hickey. From Lobo. Stupidly, I smile at the thought of Lobo touching me. It only happened once but I’ll have that one night for as long as I live.
“You fucking bitch!” Miguel roars and grabs my hair hard. Quickly I force my face to look contrite.
"Miguel, please, it's not what you think," I plead, tears stinging my eyes. I lie, "It was a mistake. It didn't mean anything, I swear!"
But my words only seem to enrage him further. With a roar, he slams me hard against the wall, my head cracking against the wood. Stars explode behind my eyes as pain lances through my skull.
"You lying whore!" Miguel bellows, spittle flying from his mouth. "I'll teach you what happens when you betray me. When you soil yourself with another man!"
His meaty fists pummel into me, striking my face, my ribs, my stomach. The coppery taste of blood fills my mouth as my head snaps back again and again from the brutal blows. I try to curlin on myself, to protect my head and vital organs, but there is no escaping his rage.
A particularly vicious punch to my temple sends me crumpling to the floor. Miguel is on me in an instant, straddling my broken body as he wraps his hands around my throat and squeezes. I claw at his arms, gasping for air, but his grip is relentless. Black spots dance across my vision as my lungs scream for oxygen.
Through the haze of pain and creeping darkness, I hear Miguel's voice, low and menacing in my ear.
"You belong to me, Angela. Only me. And I'll make sure you never forget it again. Even if I have to beat it into you every single day for the rest of your miserable life."
His hands tighten and tighten as a wretched gurgling escapes my throat. The last thing I see before the void takes me is the pure, unadulterated hatred in my husband's eyes.
I come to slowly, my body aching and throbbing with every shallow breath. Opening my eyes takes a monumental effort, the lids heavy and swollen. When I finally manage to crack them open, I find myself alone in the cabin once more, sprawled on the hard floor where Miguel left me.
Gingerly, I push myself up into a sitting position, biting back a groan as pain lances through my ribs. The room spinssickeningly and I have to close my eyes again, willing the nausea to pass. When I'm relatively certain I won't vomit, I force myself to take stock of my injuries.
My face feels like one giant, pulsating bruise. Probing fingers find split lips, a bloody nose, and what is likely a spectacular black eye blooming. Every inhale sends shards of agony through my chest and I'm pretty sure at least a couple ribs are cracked, if not outright broken.
But I'm alive. Somehow, I survived Miguel's brutal beating. A bitter, humorless laugh bubbles up my raw throat at the thought. As if this half-existence can really be called living.
Voices filter in from outside the door - my father and brother, arguing with Miguel. I strain to make out the words, desperate for any scrap of information.
"...should just cut our losses and leave," my father is saying, his tone placating. "The authorities will be crawling all over the island after that fire. It's not safe to stick around."
"No," Miguel snarls. "Not until I've had my revenge. Those bastards need to pay for touching what's mine. For turning my wife against me."