Page 33 of Sins & Paradise
I plunge into the forest, branches whipping at my face and arms as I run. The ground is uneven, slick with fallen leaves and hidden roots. I stumble more than once, but I push on. The air is thick and humid, clinging to my skin. Moonlight filters through the canopy above, casting eerie shadows that seem to move and shift as I pass.
"¡Angela!" I call out, my voice hoarse.
There's no response, just the endless chirping of the frogs and the rustle of leaves in the breeze. I pause, trying to catch my breath and listen for any sign of movement. The forest is alive with sounds – the buzz of insects, the distant call of a night bird – but nothing that tells me where Angela and Miguel might be.
I'm keenly aware that I have no weapon, nothing to defend myself or Angela with if – when – I find them. But I can't let that stop me. I clench my fists, feeling the raw scrapes on my knuckles from the fight earlier. It doesn't matter. I'll use my bare hands if I have to.
A twig snaps somewhere to my left and I freeze. Was that them? Or just some animal moving through the underbrush? I hold my breath, listening intently. There – another sound, like fabric catching on branches.
"Angela," I whisper, more to myself than anything. "I'm coming, mi amor. Hold on."
I move as quietly as I can through the forest, following the faint sounds. The coquí frogs continue their endless chorus, but now I welcome it. It masks the sound of my approach, giving me a chance to catch Miguel by surprise.
As I push through a dense patch of ferns, I catch a glimpse of movement ahead. My heart pounds in my chest as I see Angela's familiar silhouette, with Miguel's larger form looming behind her.
I say a silent prayer, steeling myself for what's to come. I have no plan, no weapon, nothing but my determination and need to save Angela. But it will have to be enough.
I creep closer, my muscles coiled and ready to spring. Miguel has his back to me, one hand gripping Angela's arm tightly. She looks terrified, her eyes wide and darting around frantically. I can see tear tracks on her dirt-smudged cheeks.
Suddenly, Angela's gaze locks with mine. I see a flash of relief in her eyes, quickly replaced by fear as she glances at Miguel. She gives an almost imperceptible shake of her head, warning me not to reveal myself.
But it's too late. Miguel must have sensed something, because he whirls around, dragging Angela with him. His eyes narrow as he spots me.
"Ah, Lobo," he sneers. "Come to play the hero?"
I don't waste time with words. I lunge forward, aiming a punch at his face. But Miguel is faster than I expected. He shoves Angela aside and dodges my fist, countering with a vicious uppercut to my jaw.
Pain explodes through my head as I stagger back. I taste blood in my mouth. Miguel presses his advantage, raining blows on my face and body. I manage to block some, but others connect with sickening force.
I hear Angela scream my name, her voice filled with terror. It gives me a surge of strength. I duck under Miguel's next swing and drive my shoulder into his midsection, tackling him to the ground.
We roll across the forest floor, grappling for dominance. Leaves and twigs dig into my back as Miguel pins me down. His hands close around my throat, squeezing. I gasp for air, black spots dancing at the edges of my vision.
With a desperate effort, I bring my knee up hard between his legs. Miguel's grip loosens as he grunts in pain. I use the moment to flip our positions, straddling him as I rain punches down on his face.
Blood sprays from Miguel's nose and mouth. I feel bones crunch under my fists, but I can't stop. All the rage, all the fear, all the desperation of the past hours pours out of me in a flood of violence.
I'm so focused on pummeling Miguel that I don't notice Angela's frantic warnings. It's only when I feel a sharp, burning pain in my side that I realize my mistake. Miguel has pulled a knife, and the blade is now buried deep in my flesh.
I gasp, more from shock than pain at first. Miguel's face, bloody and battered, twists into a vicious grin. He yanks the knife out and I cry out, feeling warm blood gush from the wound.
"Not so tough now, are you, you piece of shit?" Miguel snarls.
He shoves me off him and I fall back, clutching my side. The pain is intense now, radiating through my body with each heartbeat. I try to stand, but my legs are weak. I stumble, falling to one knee.
Miguel looms over me, the bloody knife glinting in the moonlight. "Time to finish this," he says, raising the blade.
I close my eyes, bracing for the final blow. But instead of pain, I hear a sickening thud and a grunt of pain. My eyes fly open to see Miguel crumpling to the ground, the knife falling from his limp fingers.
Behind him stands Angela, a large rock clutched in her shaking hands. Her eyes are wide with shock and fear.
"Lobo," she whispers, dropping the rock and rushing to my side. "Oh God, you're hurt."
I try to smile, but it comes out as more of a grimace. "It's nothing, mi amor," I lie, even as I feel my strength ebbing away with each pulse of blood from the wound. "You saved me."
Angela tears off a strip of her shirt, pressing it against my side. "We need to get you help," she says, her voice trembling. "Can you walk?"
I nod, though I'm not sure I can. With Angela's help, I struggle to my feet. The world spins for a moment, and I lean heavily on her.