Page 28 of The Forever Game
“I’m sorry, sweetie.” Lani’s voice is soft with sympathy, but I’m sure she’s also fighting laughter. “I wish I lived closer so I could come and help you.”
“Me too,” I murmur, feeling so alone right now that I want to curl into a ball and cry.
But there’s no time for that, because Troy’s cries come through the baby monitor perched on the kitchen counter.
“Troy’s awake!” Billy gasps with excitement, jumping down off his stool and running for the stairs. Fezzik barks and goes to chase him.
“Wait!” I quickly stop them both, grabbing the back of Billy’s shirt and sticking out my foot to avert Fezzik. He rears for the doggy door as I give him a sharp “Fezzik, outside! Now!” Dragging Billy back toward me, I quickly warn him, “Don’t you walk your messy self through this house. You need to get in the shower, right now.”
“But I wanna see Troy!” He stamps his foot, flour puffing up from the floor as his bottom lip pulls into a pout.
Troy cries a little louder, and then the doorbell rings.
Are you fucking kidding me?
I glance toward the entryway at the same time Billy does, and before I can snatch him, he takes off running to the front door.
“Lani, I gotta go,” I rush out, hanging up on my best friend, then bolting after my little wild child and reaching the door just as he pulls it open to reveal the last person I thought would be visiting us.
“Hi.” I wave, taking in Billy’s sweet expression and Caroline’s flustered frown. Her red curls are pulled back into a messy bun, and tendrils are falling around her flushed cheeks. Billy is coated in flour and powdered sugar, his fingers stained pink and blue—I assume that’s food coloring—and Troy is crying somewhere in the house.
Caroline holds the edge of the door, gaping at me and Liam. Tears are filling her eyes, and even though I thought I couldn’t handle seeing her until after her baby was born, I end up stepping through the door and wrapping her in a hug.
“What do you need us to do?” I ask.
She sniffs and clings to me, her fingers digging into my shoulders as she whimpers, “I’ve gotta go get Troy, but if you could maybe help me with the kitchen…”
“On it.” Liam scoops Billy into his arms. “C’mere, you little mess.”
“Uncle Liam.” Billy giggles and screeches when he starts getting tickled by my gorgeous husband. He’s going to make the best dad.
A thrill whistles through me as I let Caroline go so she can get Troy from his crib.
She darts away, and I glance into the living room, surveying the riotous mess—books all over the floor, a minefield of toys, cushions strewn everywhere, plastic plates with half-eaten snacks on the kiddy table, and a mug of what looks like stone-cold coffee sitting on the window ledge. I walk in and start gathering up the plates and mug, walking them through to the kitchen, where I’m met with quite the mess.
“Oh boy,” I whisper.
“I know, right?” Liam laughs and shakes his head, dusting flour and powdered sugar off his shirt. “Lucky I always have a spare change of clothes in the car.” Billy laughs and slaps his flour-coated hands on Liam’s shirt, giggling at the horrified look on his uncle’s face. “Oi, you.” He growls and Billy squeals, ready to take off running, but Liam snatches him before he can. “No way,papi. You’re helping me clean up. Where does Mommy keep the broom?”
Billy blinks up at him, then starts walking for the laundry room. I set the dishes in the sink and look at the mess, wondering where to even start.
Poor Caroline. Looks like she’s having a rough day.
I’m glad we stopped by. We hadn’t actually planned on it. We’re just in Denver for Casey and Ethan’s game tonight. It could be their last of the season, and we wanted to be there to show our support.
We were a little early, and Liam suggested we swing past Caroline’s place and tell her the good news.
“You up for seeing her?” He glanced at me, his expression so kind that I felt my heart swell like it always does. “If it’s still too much, we can leave it.”
“No, it’s a good idea.” I smiled. “We’re gonna be parents now, and it’ll be nice to tell her in person.”
Excitement pulsed between us, and I couldn’t help laughing.
Ahhh! I’m going to be a mama!