Page 6 of The Forever Game
I want to tell him that, but words are impossible right now. Gazing into his gorgeous eyes, I try to tell him as we ride this erotic train together—our breaths mingling, our hands gliding, our fingers pinching, our chests heaving until he’s making me come with whimpers and groans and following right after, crying my name while squeezing my ass and pumping into me. I sink onto him, grinding my hips until I’ve taken as much of him as I can handle, cherishing this blissful moment.
He wraps his arms around me, kissing my shoulder while he catches his breath. I close my eyes, resting my chin against his neck and whispering over and over, “I love you, Baxter Brown. And I can’t wait to be your wife.”
“Are you serious?” I laugh, gripping the wheel and navigating my way home as I talk to Baxter. It’s been a hectic week of travel and away games, and I can’t wait to bust in the door and hug my family again. When I first went pro, Caroline would join me for any games she could, but since having kids, it’s just too hard.
I didn’t mean to get her pregnant her senior year of college. Thankfully, she was able to still pass everything and graduate before Billy was born. But then Troy came along before she had a chance to get back to work, so she decided to stay home and just focus on the kids for a few years. I know she’s looking forward to joining the workforce again soon but wants to wait until Troy is at least two before starting him in daycare. He’ll just do half days the way Billy’s been doing and then build up from there. She’s got it all mapped out, and I just go with the flow. She’s been doing a little part-time work from home—data entry and statical analysis for a small company in Denver—which is enough to keep her brain engaged, but it’s not a long-term solution.
“Yes, I am,” Baxter assures me. “No matter what, this wedding is going to happen. I promised Tammy, and I have to keep it, man.”
“I’m sure you will. There’s no way you’d have to cancel the wedding a third time.”
“Let’s hope so,” Baxter grumbles, and I can’t help laughing again.
“Whatever you need, bro. I’m here for you.”
“Yeah, I know. Thanks. Can you just make sure you keep June 28 free on your calendar?”
“I’ll lock it in as soon as I get home. You guys tying the knot in Nolan?”
“Yep. Not sure of exact venue yet, but we’re working on it. The church is available, but we’re still looking for the best place to have the reception. I’ll keep you posted.”
“Sounds good. Can I bring the whole tribe, or is this an adults-only thing?”
“Well, my kids will be there, obviously, but…” He hesitates, and I can’t help snickering.
“My boys and your little Supernova together are explosive. I get it. Maybe I’ll just get Caroline’s parents to come up to Nolan with us.”
“Good call.” Baxter sounds more than grateful, and I get it.
Thank God for my in-laws. They have been a total godsend. Not only did her father marry us the summer after she graduated—about a month before Billy was born—but when Caroline and Billy first shifted to Centennial, Caroline’s parents joined us before the hockey season began. They relocated their lives to be close to their daughter and support her. Caroline visits them at least twice a week, and our boys adore their Gramps and Granny.
Being away so much during the season makes things hard. Caroline’s a great mom, but she gets a little stressed out sometimes, and she’s basically given up a career to stay at home with the kids. That was her choice, and she’s glad she’s doing it, but some days get the better of her. Raising kids is hard work. Especially two rambunctious boys. She often talks about wanting a sweet, sedate girl, but then the idea of having a third kid freaks her out. I haven’t said it—because I value my life—but I’m sure we’ll have more. I love being a dad so damn much and want a whole bunch of kids. When Caroline’s ready. Hopefully I can convince her.
A grin grows on my face as I picture my sexy-ass wife. God, I can’t wait to bury my fingers in her red curls and kiss those luscious lips of hers. As soon as the kids are down for the night, she’s mine. I am going to enjoy every inch of her body. Shit, even thinking about holding her and tasting her delicious tits is making my dick twitch. A week without my woman is too long. As much as I adore hockey, I can’t wait for the season to be over so I can spend more time with her.
I walk in the door and don’t even have a chance to put my stuff on the ground before Billy is barreling into me.
“Daddy!” he screams, launching himself at my chest. I catch him with a laugh, making fart noises on his neck while he giggles and squirms in my arms. He’s the most fun-loving three-year-old with his blond curls and big blue eyes. He’s got energy to burn, and I love his enthusiasm for everything.
Fezzik trots into the room, his tail wagging as he barks me a greeting, then rests his little paws on my leg. I pat his head, then glance up to see the sweetest boy in the world toddling toward me.
“Da-da-da-da.” Troy raises his little arms for a cuddle as he stamps his excited feet on the ground and nearly topples over. I catch his arm, hauling him up against me and hugging both my boys.
I love these guys too much. Seriously. My heart is close to bursting as I tickle their waists and they squirm and scream. With a roar, I lumber into the living room and drop to the floor, commencing our standard wrestling match as the boys jump all over me, giggling and dribbling on my shirt as I throw them around, catching them before they hit the floor and hurt themselves. They roll and jump back to their feet, launching themselves on me again while I try to figure out the best way to wrap this up. As adorable as their hysterical laughter is—seriously, I can’t get enough of that sound—it’s time to put an end to this before one of them accidentally pukes on me.
Besides, I want to find Caroline and hug her, feel her curves pressed against me while I breathe in her beautiful scent and?—
A flash of red appears in the archway and I glance up, grinning at my woman—who’s glaring at me like I’m the world’s worst human…uh, what the fuck?—before getting torpedoed by Billy.
“Omph!” I start coughing, trying to catch my breath as sharp little elbows and knees dig into all the wrong places. “Time out! Time out!” I call above their giggles and shouts. The boys eventually hear me and start to settle down. Wrapping my arms around them both, I give them a careful look and whisper, “Is Mommy okay?”
Billy’s lip sticks out and he shrugs while Troy just gives me a big smile, drool dripping off his bottom lip. I catch it with my finger and wipe it on my shirt, laughing at his dopey expression. I rise from the floor, a boy on each hip, and wander down the hallway.
By the time I reach the kitchen, cupboard doors are slamming and Caroline is slapping a chopping board onto the counter with a growl. I would seriously hate to be that cucumber right now, because that thing is going to get sliced and diced with fucking fury.