Page 9 of The Forever Game
Caroline goes a little misty-eyed. “I do love my babies. They’re just a lot sometimes, you know? And the idea of being outnumbered three to one is terrifying.”
“You’re gonna be great. You’re a tough, strong boss bitch. You can handle anything,” Mikayla says.
“And you’ve still got months to get mentally prepared for this shift.” I do some quick calculations in my head. “The baby must be due in July, right?”
“Yeah.” She sniffs, then pouts. “I’m going to be the size of a blimp for your wedding, Tammy.”
“You’ll still look stunning.” She smiles.
And I quickly assure my friend, “You always glow when you’re pregnant.”
Caroline scoffs and shakes her head.
“At least you haven’t been puking up a lung like Tammy did, right?” Mikayla laughs, and Tammy joins her.
“Thank God that’s over.”
Our phones all bleep in unison, and I quickly add Rachel to the call.
“Sorry I’m late, ladies. Emergency in the kitchen.” She fluffs her bangs and looks a little flustered as she smiles and waves at each person on the chat.
“All good, though?” Tammy checks.
“Yeah, just my new assistant chef, who I took pity on and maybe shouldn’t have taken pity on, because training her is turning into quite the mission.” Her expression buckles. “I just felt so bad for her in the interview, you know? She was so nervous and twitchy and sweet and…” She pulls a face. “And now the kitchen reeks of burnt cream.”
“Oh no.” I give her a sympathetic smile. “I’ll be home around four. I can help you air the place out.”
“You’re an angel.” She blows me a kiss.
“I can’t believe you guys are still living in the pool house,” Mikayla comments.
I feign insult with a little scoff. “It’s the same size as your apartment in Centennial.”
“In what universe?” Mikayla shakes her head with a laugh. “We have two bedrooms and an office. You’re in like a studio.”
“That Baxter has been expanding for us,” I correct her. “You just haven’t seen the completed renovations yet. When are you coming to visit, anyway? You’ve canceled the last two times.”
She huffs and digs her fingers into her hair. “Work is crazy busy, and between Ethan’s hockey schedule, my asshole boss, and his list of needy, demanding clients, I barely have a second to breathe. Who knew being a gopher could be so damn stressful.” As if to prove her point, her work phone starts ringing, and she checks it with a growl. “I’m sorry, guys. I’ve gotta go. Congrats, Caroline!”
She hangs up, and Rachel looks a little mystified. “Why are we congratulating Caroline?”
There’s an uncomfortable pause, Caroline’s face paling slightly as she admits, “I’m pregnant again.”
Rachel blinks, her lips parting as she struggles to hide her reaction.
She’s gutted, and we can all feel her pain as we watch her fight to pull a smile into place.
“Wow.” She swallows, her voice on the shaky side. “Amazing. So happy for you.”
“Yeah, thanks.” Caroline’s expression crumples. “It wasn’t planned. I’m just…” She winces and quickly mumbles, “I’m just trying not to freak out about having three kids under four.”
“Billy will turn four just after the baby’s born, won’t he?” I try to keep my voice light and upbeat, desperate to end this heavy feeling that’s taken over the call.
“Great. So now I have to plan a birthday party with a newborn. Thanks, Lani. That makes me feel way better.” Her voice is snippy, and I know she instantly regrets it.
I wave off her apologetic look with a smile.
“You’re blessed, Caroline. Don’t forget that.” Rachel’s eyes fill; it’s obvious even through my small screen. My heart starts to ache for her all over again. She’s been trying to have kids ever since she and Liam got married four years ago. “Hey, um… sorry to cut this short, but I’ve got to go and deal with this kitchen thing and…” She shakes her head and sniffs. “Um, see you later.”