Page 7 of The Wedding Ruse
Grace looked back and forth between them but mostly kept her attention focused on Blake. Tired of sharing her attention, Tristan decided it was time to end it. “You still got chores to work on?” he threw at the man.
“Nope, I’m mostly done for the day. Just have to let the horses back in later and get them bedded down. Soon likely, if the weather forecast is right. Looks like one helluva storm tonight.” He turned his attention to Grace, “wanna ride one?”
“Not yet, thank you.”
Ha! Not with you! He didn’t know where this sudden jealous streak had come from, but there was not stuffing it back down now.
“Have you ridden one?” Grace shook her head. “Awe, you don’t know what you’re missing. I would be happy to bring you up with me if you’re interested.”
Grace blushed and glanced at Tristan. “I am good, thank you anyway.”
“Well, if you change your mind at all while you’re here, or any other time for that matter, you just let me know. I’d be happy to take you for a ride any time.”
There was no mistaking the real meaning behind Blake’s words and the only thing that saved him from getting punched in the face over it, was the fact that Grace stepped even closer to Tristan. He dropped his hands to his sides, and with considerable effort, managed to uncurl his fists. As he did, he felt Grace’s hand slide into his.
All jealousy drained from his body, leaving him with only a simmering rage towards the man that had made her uncomfortable. And behind that, was a pride in her choosing him and seeking him for comfort.
“I think that’s enough, Blake. She said no.” Tristan managed to get through his gritted teeth.
Blake threw up his hands in mock surrender. “Chill, it was just an offer. I see what’s happening here. I wasn’t aware there was something between you.” He tipped his hat and strolled off towards the stables, whistling nonchalantly.
Tristan looked down at Grace, her free hand was wrapped across her body, holding her other arm, closing herself off.
“I’m sorry he might have gotten the wrong impression. I don’t do well with being hit on.” Shrugging, she pulled at her hand.
“No, he didn’t.” Tristan pulled at her hand until she was up against him and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m sorry I let him keep talking. I was busy being jealous and didn’t notice that you were getting uncomfortable.”
At the word jealous she tensed up but had put her arms around him and didn’t drop them. “Jealous?”
“You talked to him. You never want to talk to me. I have to ask questions and hope you answer.” It was the truth, not the conversation he intended to get into today, or any time soon, but there it was, out in the open now.
Softly, barely above a whisper, he heard her say, “ That’s because you make me nervous.”
Tristan put his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her away from him so he could see her face. “What does that mean?”
“It’s just that...” she twisted her hands and looked at the ground again.
He took one hand off her shoulder and gently cupped her chin, nudging her to look at him. “What?”
“You make me nervous.” She tried to put her head back down again, embarrassed she had said it.
“Because. I don’t know. Because you’re you?”
“What does that mean?” Tristan dropped his hands away from her. “Do I make you uncomfortable?” He had never intended to do that. He took a step back to give her space.
“Yes.” She bit her lip. “No, not like that. Not like Blake just did. It’s more that I just.” She stammered as she put her gaze back to the ground. “It’s that you’re so good looking and I forget what to say, and get nervous, and then I don’t know what to do.”
Everything came out in a rush, and if he wasn’t already used to listening to her be so quiet, he never would have heard her. As it was, he wasn’t sure he did.
Cupping her chin and urging her to look at him, he struggled to find his own words. When she finally did look up at him and he saw the worry reflected in her eyes, there was no question he had heard her correctly.
He didn’t think about his next move. It was natural, and all he had wanted for a while now. He leaned down to her and took her mouth in his.
Grace stiffened at first, but it didn’t take her long to throw her arms around his neck and give herself fully over to this kiss. Tristan only deepened the kiss as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him.
Tristan wasn’t sure how long they stood there, next to a wooden fence, with a few horses as an audience, kissing. He was taking deep breaths as he broke away and stared down at this wonderful woman in front of him that apparently wanted him as much as he wanted her.
Looking down at her, he couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her swollen lips and flushed face. It was also nice to know she was just as out of breath as him.
“I’ve been waiting for that.” Pulling her back to him for a quick hug, he released her and took a step back.
“I—I don’t know what to say.”
Before she could tuck her head down again, he grabbed her hand. “Say you want to go see some horses.”
Nodding she squeezed his hand and allowed him to lead her towards the stables.