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Chance turned, looking for Maddox who was holding Emmett back from running over. He made his way to them, crouching in front of Emmett.
“Hey, bud.” Chance dropped his head. He didn’t know what to say.
“Mom is going to be so mad at you. We aren’t allowed to hit,” Emmett was so serious that Chance wanted to laugh.
“It was wrong. I shouldn’t have used my fists to solve my problems.” It had felt damn good, though. “Don’t do that, okay? Be better than me.”
“Get away from my son. You’ll be lucky if I don’t sue.” Isaac was back on his feet.
“Sue who?” Ellis stepped in. “Everyone here saw what happened and at least a dozen people have the comments you made about Tori on camera before you fell. No one should talk about their child’s mother in front of them like that.”
Chance watched as the older, portly man flexed his hands. Clearly Chance wasn’t the only one that wanted to hit this asshole.
“Get off my fields. Tori will be back tomorrow and I expect you not to return to my fields during this clinic.”
“He fucking hit me,” Isaac shouted.
“You were disrespecting my employee who isn’t even here to defend herself.”
Isaac opened his mouth to say something else but whatever Ellis did made him stop.
“At this point, you are lucky I am letting him leave with you instead of calling Tori to get him. I never liked you but I expected you to at least act with some decency.”
“Bye, Chance,” Emmett said. He turned and acknowledged all the guys before quietly walking over to his dad.
“Emmett,” Ellis continued. “You are not in trouble and don’t let anyone tell you any differently.” He pointed a look at Isaac.
When they walked away, Ellis turned to face Chance.
“Don’t shut the program down. I don’t need to be a part of it for it to work. It can be successful with anyone from the team in my spot,” Chance pleaded.
“Someone needed to do that a long time ago. You didn’t know her when they were going through their divorce, but this wasn’t half as bad as that was.” Ellis looked back to the retreating pair. “Emmett is great, but I wish she’d never married that fucking fool.”
Chance nodded.
“If the parents don’t revolt, I expect to see you here tomorrow still. Don’t leave on my account,” Ellis said before walking away.
Chance watched him go, confused. So he wasn’t going to be punished here for what happened at least. Well, unless the parents didn’t want him here. He’d just have to wait and see how this situation played itself out.
Then he’d have to deal with Sam and Derek. That wasn’t going to go this well, guaranteed.
“Well, you missed an interesting night,” Ellis said as he walked in her office.
“Oh no, did something go wrong?” Tori stood, preparing to handle whatever had happened.
“Emmett didn’t tell you?” he asked.
“Emmett stayed at Isaac’s last night.” Confused, Tori waited for him to get to the point.
“Take a seat. There’s nothing for you to do right now. Maybe don’t check your emails yet.”
She listened as Ellis relayed to her the events of last night. Apparently, Chance had knocked out Isaac on the field. There were videos taken and he sent her a few of them.
“You need to watch with the sound on,” he told her.
Tori watched the video in horror. She hadn’t turned the sound on but she’d seen all she needed to. She made to leave her office.