Page 9 of Header
“Thanks,” Buddy’s voice was almost a whisper.
Buddy was another forward on the team, and they worked together to create plays to lead to scores. Neither of them was the type to need to be the one to score, which worked out great for the team as they often passed to create better shots.
“Maddox said you think I’m mad at you?”
Buddy nodded. “I’m sorry I didn’t help.”
“You saved your ass and the team from getting two red cards. I fucked up all on my own, man. I don’t expect you to do anything about it or to get involved.” Chance hoped he really believed him.
Buddy nodded.
“Really. I’m not mad at you at all,” Chance pressed. “Go get drunk and hit on those chicks over there. They keep watching you,” he teased.
“Thanks, man.”
Chance turned to go back to the table, catching a glimpse of the door and two women walking in. He had to do a double take in case his eyes were lying to him. Tori, the soccer mom, had just walked in, and she was completely different than he’d seen her this morning.
Her tight black dress and thigh-high boots were a stark contrast to her friend’s red dress and heels. They were definitely dressed for a night out if not a little too much for this small bar but he would have watched her no matter what she was wearing.
“See something you like?” Maddox joked.
“Remember the lady and the kid I was telling you about from the grocery store? She’s here.” Chance discreetly tipped his head in her direction.
“Which one?”
“The blond.”
“Damn, she’s hot. I mean, they both are, but when you said mom, I assumed more…” Maddox stared at them.
“More homely?” Chance asked.
Maddox nodded. “Something like that. Ask her to join us.”
“I don’t know,” Chance hesitated. He wasn’t convinced she’d go for it.
He watched as Tori laughed at the brunette with her. Tori tucked her own blond hair behind her ear as she chatted. Earlier, in the store, he’d picked up on her being at least attracted to him but maybe not interested in him. It was a shame because he’d been interested in her.
She looked good tonight, but he didn’t mind her in the leggings and soccer mom shirt this morning. He continued to stare at her, taking in her curves while she didn’t notice him. She wasn’t rail thin, but neither was she overweight, just the kind of woman he liked with a little more to love and something to hold on to.
“Earth to Chance.” Maddox waved his hand in front of Chance’s face. “You’ve got some drool there.”
“Shut up.”
“You go get them, or I will. The brunette is hot.”
Chance looked over at Maddox, assessing if he was serious or not. You never could tell with him. “I’ll go, but if they say no I’m not pressing.”
“They won’t say no. This is damn near the entire team, they’ll want to come over and hang out with us.”
Chance rolled his eyes at his overly cocky friend. “I don’t think they are barflies, Mad.”
“Go,” he pushed Chance away.
Taking his time to cross the bar to them, Chance tried to think of what to say. He wanted to be smooth but had a feeling there was going to be a fine line between just right and too much when it came to the soccer mom.
“Soccer mom?” Chanced said, wincing as he did. It wasn’t the smoothest thing to do.
She whipped around to face him, her hair fanning out as she did. “What? Oh my God,” she groaned the last and he got to watch her face flush a pretty shade of pink.