Page 137 of Lessons In Grey
I collapsed into him, my heart racing, sweat coating our skin, my juices still leaking out of me. Shit,
Grey kissed my head gently, pushing my hair out of my face. “God, you are…immeasurable.”
I smiled tiredly and wrapped my arms around him, leaning into him fully, my body melting against his.
He wrapped his arms around me tightly, pulling me against him, both of us moaning as our sensitive skin pulled and throbbed. We were both spent, it seemed.
I wasn’t sure how long we stayed there, but I was sure I had dozed off for a bit before coming to.
Grey kept rubbing my back, kissing my shoulder over and over again, uncaring of my exhaustion.
But my legs were starting to go numb and I was cold. So Ifinally leaned back just enough to kiss him before I carefully pealed myself away from him, more water leaking out of me. Oops, probably sitting here for that long with that shit inside of me wasn’t the healthiest. I would need to clean up more thoroughly today. “That is messy,” I laughed, although my cheeks burned in embarrassment.
Much to my shock, Grey reached down to his hips, ran his fingers along our mess, and brought them to his lips, sliding them over his tongue. “Hmm,” he mused, finding my eyes. “Tasty.”
I laughed, his smile growing at the sound. “I’m going to get cleaned up. Maybe we should invite everyone over for dinner.”
His smile grew. “I’ll send outa message.”
December 7th, 2021
She was coming back to me.
Her smile, her laughter. She was coming back.
I wondered if it had even crossed her mind, me being here. I had been worried for a moment that she had forgotten that I was a Professor, but she had made a passing comment about using my notes to catch up on her homework, so perhaps she just didn’t care.
Jeremy was teaching the class now. I had cashed in all of my given vacation days, and it helped that Diamond was now terrified to breathe, giving me the perfect excuse to stay with her.
Her bruises had faded, her limp was gone, her hands were working well again. She was no longer wincing at every movement, and she wanted to fuck again.
I was proud of her. I was so proud of her. Proud that she hadn’t let this pull her back into the throws of darkness. Proud that shehad contacted Ash a few times over the last handful of days, apologizing and trying to reconnect. Proud that she wanted dinner with everyone.
When I heard the shower turn on, after I had cleaned myself off and put on some clothes, I called Malachi back. It had been a few hours now, and I wanted to know if there was an update before I left.
“Has something happened to her?”
I shook my head, glancing towards the bathroom. “No, she’s showering, we’re going to have dinner tonight with her friends.” Maybe I would finally suggest someDoctor Who. I had brought it up a few times in the past, but she had always brushed it off, save for once when she truly had considered it before Ash and Syn had come over, putting on some Christmas movie I had never heard of. But today was different. Maybe today we could rewatch her fictional Raggedy Man while the real one held her tightly against him.
“Oh, that is such a wonderful idea, nothing heals the soul like a dinner amongst friends. I would offer to pay for said dinner, but since both of you have untold amounts of money, I fear the sentiment would fall short.”
It would, but it was the thought that counted. “Thank you. Have you pulled the driver in yet?”
“Arman Lucas,” Malachi announced, a shuffling sounding in the background. “I have him tied up right now. He is trying to portray to me how angry he is with his eyes, but I’m afraid it just isn’t registering, is it, Arman?”
Muffled snarling slid through the speaker.
I would have smiled if I hadn’t felt so fucking angry at this entire situation. “Make it hurt.”
“As always. Jack has been working on tracing his movements via security cameras, but alas, even in a world of eyes, he finds surrounding businesses falling short more often than anyone thought.”
“I just want to kill those who touched her and end this.”
“Yes, well, I suppose Azrael had it right when he suggested killing everyone who ever crossed us and never handing out mercy to the few.”