Page 26 of Lessons In Grey
But nothing was ever truly insignificant. Nothing.
I swallowed and slowly lifted my own trembling hand, watching as my bright red fingers slowly, hesitantly, neared his.
The moment our fingers touched, warmth flooded up my arm and down my spine, and I wasn’t delusional. I knew he wasn’tmagic. He wasn’t some…some wizard from another planet that had the ability to warm me like that, but fuck, what he did to me might as well have been some sort of magic.
His fingers were calloused, but not calloused in the way a laborers would be. They were calloused in the way that told me he put on lotion from time to time, and he had just forgotten today.
Carefully, he turned my hand over until my palm was facing up. He slid his other hand into mine, the paper he was hiding away pressing between our palms like some secret just between us.
My eyes lifted back to his, fear thrumming through me.
“I can’t promise that I can change the world or solve all of your problems, but I can say this,” he went on quietly, “I have a lot of secrets. A lot of terrible, very dangerous secrets that make me a very dangerous, horrible man. I’ve seen things, done things most would run in fear from if they had any sense in them. If you want to feel something, then let me teach you how to feel with everything you are.”
I couldn’t breathe in the best possible way. “What?” I cracked, wanting to know more. I wanted to know everything. He had piqued my curiosity, and I should have hated him for it. I shouldn’t want to want to know more, I should want to hate him, to never see him again.
He leaned over the table, clasping my frozen, small hand, in both of his. “Weareinevitable, Emily, not because the universe declares it, but because I do.”
With that, he stood and headed back across the courtyard without another word.
I watched after him in shock until he disappeared into the building before my eyes fell to what he had left behind.
A little paper rose with a small leaf attached to the stem. On that leaf were two words and a ten-digit number underneath.
Use it.
September 17th, 2021
You’ve been quiet a lot lately.”
Leaning back in my chair, I tapped my pen three times, eyes cast down. “Sorry,” I told Ash, staring at the words on my page. “Didn’t get a whole lot of sleep last night.”
She leaned over, sliding her hand over my arm, trying to catch my eyes. “Em, what’s been going on? You can talk to me.”
I glanced her way, her burgundy eyes burning, her brows pulled together in concern. I missed her. I really, truly did. There had been a time when the two of us had been inseparable. Now it just felt like I was dragging her down from everything she could accomplish if she would just let me go.
I had yet to even officially meet Syn, which I was fine with. I knew of her, I had seen her around, waved to her, but wehadn’tmet. I couldn’t blame Ash for keeping her away, not when I couldn’t get out of my own head.
I turned back to my notebook. “Nightmares,” I answered, eyes lifting to the stage far below.
Rags, Greyson, was working on some paperwork at his desk before class started. His shoulders were stiff, his expression hard, and yet, all I could picture was the way he had looked yesterday afternoon when he had spoken such beautiful words to me. Words that made sense. Words I could understand and words I hated to understand.
“This is more than just nightmares, Emily,” Ash said under her breath. “Please, talk to me. I’m worried about you.”
“She’s not going to talk to you,” Katelyn chided from my other side. “She doesn’t talk to anyone anymore. Even when the Professor deliberately directs questions at her, she refuses to talk.”
Remi lowered her phone. “Holy shit, is that what this is? You’re trying to get Greyson to pay attention to you?”
Something in my stomach twisted at the blatant use of his first name, but it was to be expected. She and him were together, going out to clubs, partying. She had confirmed as much when she had bragged to Cam about going to the club this last Friday. Something I wish I hadn’t overheard this morning.
“She’s not seeking attention from anyone,” Ash defended. “If anyone here is vying for fucking attention, it’s you, Remi.” She turned back to me. “Emily.”
“I don’t need to seek what I’ve already got,” Remi replied and shoved herself to a stand. “Bye.”
Cam stood, placing her hand on my desk as she passed me. “For the sleep,” she smiled, lifting her hand to reveal two little white pills.