Page 4 of The Masks She Wore
?I suppose I was a little jealous of Greyson in that sense. He never got the full force of Azrael’s true personality. I don’t know why Azrael protected him, but it fucking irritated me.
?I shook the thoughts away and focused. If it was lengthy, maybe that’s just what I needed to get the shit in me sorted out.
?Tick tock, Rae Bennett, your time is nearing its end.
?I paused and snarled, slamming the door behind me.Fuck, he was rubbing off on me.
October 19th, 2019
Iknew she was watching me. I always knew when her eyes were on me.
?She never did though. A passing stranger on the street, a ghost in a café, a reflection of a man on an R1 while window shopping. Always glimpsing, never knowing it was me, but me? Fuck, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her.
?This assignment was given to me only because Everett, Greyson, and Azrael had been busy. A stroke of luck, most would say.
?Me? I would say it was a fucking curse. The beautiful little Princess with a mysterious past that just didn’t quite make sense.It was as intriguing as it was frustrating.
?It had taken me two weeks to locate her after getting to Los Angeles, which was humorous in the sense that she wasn’t hiding on purpose, in fact, she was active on social media under a different name for a reason I hadn’t quite figured out yet. She liked to spend money, loved to look good. Put on a show for me, I liked to imagine. The man who hunted her from the shadows.
?Now, normally I would hunt my target down, kill them, and that would be the end of it. I wouldn’t look into their past or try and put together a puzzle I didn’t need to finish, but this was different.Shewas different. The fact that it took me two weeks to find her while already knowing her home city and her name was irritating to say the least.
?Malachi said to take my time, and part of me wondered if he didn’t already do his own research on her before handing the envelope to me. Maybe he knew it would intrigue me.
?All I knew for sure is that I wanted to know more about her. I wanted to know why she had been so hard to locate, why there was hardly any information on her.
?In the two weeks Ihadbeen watching her, I found surface level things. Clean driving record, no police reports, a penthouse suite overlooking the city under her name, lots of receipts for expensive brands, an unhealthy amount of take-out orders, and a half-brother that didn’t turn up until a month after her mother’s murder.
?That was the only ‘deep’ thing about her. The only thing that made sense. The only thing that didn’t twist my gut. Her mother was murdered, it was the only thing that felt real.
?Even with all of this stuff, I hadn’t been able to dig deeper yet because Malachi was also keeping me busy on other things. It wasn’t rare for us to work more than one assignment at once, but this felt almost targeted, and I didn’t like that.
?There was something about her. Something about Rae Bennett and her loud yet silent life that had prompted a mysterious stranger to hire us to kill her and I wanted to know why.
?Was it the same person who killed her mother? I couldn’t be sure, but I would find out even if it killed me.
?I had kept my distance so far, studying, watching, waiting. Tonight was the first time we had made contact and although it wasn’t planned, I wanted to give her something she would never forget.
?I tightened my grip in the woman’s hair and jerked her head back violently, feeling her muscles tense at the new position. She whimpered, her ass tightening around my cock enough to nearly pull a groan from my lips.
?I bit my tongue to keep it in. It was a primal reaction, moaning, but I wasn’t going to give this woman that satisfaction. It wasn’t her that had my cock hard, it was Rae. Her watching me, that’s what was getting to me.
?She groaned, her nails digging into the wall of the club I was in, the music blaring so loud, the walls shook as people streamed in and out of the bathroom, trying to get another hit of their drugs or fix their makeup in the cracked mirror before returning to the dance floor.
?The lights flickered above us, the graffitied walls covered in unknown stains and cracked green paint. It smelled of sex and sugar in here, but I didn’t mind, I was too focused on those eyes burning holes into the back of my head to think about anything else.
?Did she like what she saw?
?Was she going to fuck herself tonight to the images she saw now, pretending it was her that I was slamming my cock into?
?Would she imagine me choking her? Tying her up? Slapping her? What did she like in her bedroom? I wanted to know. I wanted to know everything.
?I pushed deeper into the woman, leaned over her until I could see the tears streak down her face, cutting trenches into her makeup. “For the rest of your days, you’ll compare me to whatever man you let fuck you,” I told her, slamming into her again, wishing against all sin that it was someone else.
?She grunted, squeezing her eyes shut. “He’s n-never—”