Page 104 of Jake's Angel
I can feel the heat of Gabe’s glare against the side of my face but make no move to look him in the eyes. Not yet. I’ll take my ass whoopin’ when the time is right for looking at his daughter’s naked body, but now isn’t the time.
“The way she explained it to Sadie, this guy has big plans. He wants to break Avery, use her, then pass her along to his friends until she can’t be used anymore. Now, someone with such in-depth plans wouldn’t have left his business unfinished for just any reason. Especially when he’s paid someone good money to do it.” I add.
It’s Caleb’s turn to growl and pace the floor. Threatening to kidnap her has us all concerned. Attempting to rape her has everyone on edge. He’s just signed his death warrant and everyone in this room will be taking their pound of flesh on her behalf.
“If his boss knew what he was doing, why would he interrupt him? If you send a man to leave a message, you don’t stop him mid-sentence, if you know what I mean. What if his boss didn’t know what the asshole was doing? What if this was his own agenda?”
“Ethan’s got a point,” Hawk agrees.
“You think this asshole and Cusenza are connected?” Gabe asks Pop.
“It’s a possibility.”
“Maybe this prick was double dealing. Maybe he was supposed to take Avery to Cusenza and decided to make a separate transaction outside of the boss’s plan,” Jameson pipes up.
“You’re thinking he could be double crossing Cusenza?” Hawk asks, tapping his keys again. “He saw the product and wanted to keep it for himself.” I growl at Hawk’s choice of words.
“She’s no one’s product. She’s not theirs to purchase or take.” I raise a brow, daring him to argue. Hawk raises his hands in apology.
“Understood, brother. I’m merely saying what they were thinking, not my own thoughts. I would never look at your woman or any other as something to be bought or sold.” He grins. Gabe growls at Hawk’s insinuating I’ve claimed Avery as mine.
In my mind I have—she is mine. But that’s not the subject we need to discuss in this meeting.
“Maybe it’s someone who knows her. He obviously knows her value if he’s leveraging her with Russ,” Pop says. “Shit.” He resumes his pacing. “We were looking for a random attacker. Someone who saw an advantageous situation and took it. This whole time …” Caleb and Gabe are intently staring at him as Pop continues to pace, processing through his thoughts out loud.
“Pop, I’ve got to ask. Do you think Russ sold her to Cusenza to pay off a debt he owes?”
“What?” He roars. “No. He loves Avery the same as he did Maggie. Even if he had owed a debt, which he doesn’t, he would never do anything to hurt her. He’d die first.”
“And that’s what she’s trying to keep from happening. That’s why she’s not talking,” Caleb states drily pointing his finger at Pop. Caleb’s eyes soften and a small smile plays across his face as he says, “She’s more of a King than she thinks, even if she doesn’t like us. She’s loyal to those she loves. Protective. She’s been living in an emotional hell, physically been in pain, and yet she still won’t budge because it’s the only way she can protect her family. Sound familiar?” He arched a brow at Gabe.
Not wanting to acknowledge the old man’s point, Gabe changes the subject back to the business at hand.
“Who else besides Cusenza would have reason to threaten Russ?” Gabe asks, looking at Pop for answers. Pop looks up at me, then back to Gabe. “There are a lot of people who have tried to threaten Russ over the years. None of them have been successful.” He stares off into space for a moment, then slaps his hand down on the table in front of him. “It could be anyone in that town. Eleanor keeps Avery busy with every community event she can. She’s a West. Russ owns half the town, for Christ’s sake. There’s no one who wouldn’t know who she is,” Pop groans scrubbing his hand down his face.
“What is it?” Gabe asks.
“Russ doesn’t attend many social functions. In fact, he avoids them. Purposely planning meetings out of town when he knows about the events. He provides an escape for Avery whenever Eleanor hosts parties and he’s home. She hides in the storm cellar with her books or sketchpad. She hates social functions as much as he does. When he is home, he spends most of his time with her. Makes it a point to be home for every dance recital, award ceremony, birthdays, you get the point.” He looks at each man one by one. “There are a select few who are always invited to every party or event Eleanor hosts at her home. Maybe we start there? They would be the closest people in her circle who would know about Russ’s relationship with Avery. They’d see it firsthand whenever he was home.”
“Give Hawk a list of names. Hawk, I want backgrounds—anything and everything you can find on these people. If they’ve been around when he was gone as well. Check the gate logs with Garrison as well,” Gabe instructs.
“What I don’t understand is, this guy says he’s already purchased her, right? So, no matter the outcome, he owns her already.” My fist slams down on the table. Declan saying anotherman owns my Angel has me ready to punch him in the fucking throat. He’s leaning on the table, spinning a quarter between his knuckles. “So, why threaten to ruin Russ? It wouldn’t matter if she told someone. He would still essentially own her. What does Russ have to do with the deal? See what I’m saying? Either way, she would belong to this guy.”
“No, she doesn’t,”I grit out.
“I know. But you get what I’m saying?” He puts his hands up in his way of asking me to keep my shit together. “In this sick fuck’s mind, she’s his. Weknowshe’s not. But why threaten her with hurting Russ if the deal’s already been made?”
“Maybe the deal isn’t finalized yet. It could be a contention plan,” Hawk suggests.
“Or maybe this guy was the one who tried to kidnap her? Not Cusenza.” I say, leaning on the table.
“What if their plans collided? Cusenza wanted her. This guy found out and made his play first since he’s convinced she belongs to him. Only no one found her because she ran here first,” Caleb suggests.
“Fuck. We may be looking for more than one player,” Hawk groans, grabbing his computer and typing away, doing what he does best.
“Mack, get Russ on the phone. I need to ask him about a few things. Dad, hang back. Until I have answers, we stick with the way things are. Those girls have escorts everywhere they go. The rest of you are dismissed for now.”