Page 133 of Jake's Angel
Sadie shuts off the tablet and shoves it into her bag. “Aves. Don’t freak out, okay? We don’t know the whole story. Maybe Thomas can fill in some blanks or answer your questions. Just don’t lose your shit. Okay?”
I roll over onto my back, staring at the ceiling.She had my mother killed.I lose myself in my own thoughts for a few minutes, only to be brought out by a knock on the door.
“Dinner is ready.” Nora’s voice comes through the door. Sadie and I crawl off the bed and straighten ourselves up.
“Okay. We have dinner. We go to our rooms for the night, and we meet up again at two thirty. The guys will all be asleep by then, I’m sure. And just to be certain, take two of these and drop them in his drink before bed.”
I nod because I really have nothing to say. I wish I could call Gramps and ask him if he knew anything about all of this, but even if he did, would I be able to trust he was telling me the truth now? I know he would never hurt my mother. He loved her andhas bragged about her my whole life. I can’t imagine he would be involved in Eleanor’s evil plans. I just wish I could know for sure.
It’s beena long ass day.
After Avery and Sadie went upstairs with Antonio, Vincenzo went back into his office and closed the door while his men stood guard outside the door. Gabe pulled us all into the living room and spoke quietly.
“Ghost, I need you and Hawk to do a deep dive on these papers. Find out if what Vincenzo says about Eleanor and Cusenza’s bastard is true. I want to know who he is and what happened to him. Cusenza would’ve kept tabs on him somehow. He could be his successor someday.”
“Mack, I need you on the phone with Russell. Find out what he knows about all of this and why he didn’t feel the need to share it with us.” Gabe rolls his neck.
“Are we really going to let Avery sit down with your psycho ass brother?” Ethan asks.
“Fuck no.” I answer before Gabe can. He turns his glare to me. “She’s my woman. She’s been through enough shit. We’ve failed her for eighteen fucking years, Pres. He tried to kill heronce already. Do you think it’s wise to tempt fate with another chance?”
“I’m not going to use Avery to get to Thomas. He’s here in town somewhere. I want to know where. Put out feelers, find out what you can. Hawk, after dinner, you and Jake keep the girls on lockdown. The rest of you pool our resources and get me some information on where my fucktard of a brother is.”
Avery has remained quiet throughout dinner. She barely ate her food when Nora placed the plate full of spaghetti in front of her, which I know is not right. If there’s one thing that I’ve learned about my woman, it’s she loves carbs. She rolled her fork around, scooting the food to the edges, but only took a few bites.
After everything we’ve learned, I’ve added hunting down the Eleanor West to my list of things to do. The bitch deserves to die for what she’s done. The fear and confusion I see in Avery’s eyes has my anger rising, but I’ll keep my emotions in check—for her. Something’s got her deep in thought tonight. She seemed fine when she was playing with Antonio, but now she’s completely silent.
I thought maybe she was just upset about us needing to talk. Maybe she was in her head again about us, worried about talking to me about how she feels. When I reached to hold her hand under the table, she entwined our fingers and gave my hand a squeeze.
After dinner, Gabe informed the room of the sleeping arrangements. It went over like a lead balloon. As soon as he said Hawk would stay in Sadie’s room—it was on.
“I’m not sleeping in the same room with this asshole!” Sadie shouts. Thankfully, Antonio is already asleep because I don’t think Sadie is going to hold back her words right now. She is fuming mad. Her face is red, her eyes narrowed, neck swaying with every word. She ispissed!
“Who said anything about sleeping, sweetheart?” Hawk taunts. Sadie rolls her eyes. If I were him, I wouldn’t get too close. Her knee looks a little twitchy and I’ve got a pretty good idea where she’s looking to aim it.
“Please.You can’t handle me. In the bedroom or out of it. Haven’t we already established this?” She cocks her brow at him, and he scowls back at her. “Theatrical performances don’t do it for me. I like my men to have a firm hand and take charge, not follow a script and play dress up. Pirate boy can exit stage left.” She points to her left.
“What men are you talking about?” Hawk growls.
“None of your business.” She taps her finger on his nose. “Unlike you, I don’t go around bragging about my extracurricular activities. I’m classy like that,” she taunts. I’m not sure what she’s talking about, nor do I want to know. But whatever it is, the challenge has just been made very clear to Hawk.
She just dropped the gauntlet and judging by the maniacal grin he’s sporting, he’s about to pick it up. “Sounds to me like you need someone to teach you who’s boss.” He raises an eyebrow, setting a challenge of his own. Sadie rolls her eyes and huffs. I don’t think she realizes he’s not joking. He seems very determined as he stalks toward her.
“Gabe, you can’t be serious. I’ll kill him in his sleep,” she threatens. Gabe smirks, then shrugs. “Make sure you don’t make a mess. This is too far for our cleanup crew to travel, and we don’t leave people’s houses messier than they were before we came. It’s rude.”
He must be feeling his whiskey from dinner, because he’s being playful.
I’m sure he knows there’s some truth to her statement.
“It’s not up for discussion, Sadie. This is the only way I know you won’t go anywhere.” Gabe makes his demands known.
“Ugh!” Sadie storms toward the door with her bag on her shoulder when Hawk cuts in front of her, puts his shoulder to her stomach, hauling her ass up and over, and walks out the door. She’s screaming loud enough we can hear her in the elevator as it descends.
This little game of verbal tennis is more than amusing, but Avery isn’t smiling even a little bit. Normally, Hawk and Sadie verballing sparring at least makes her cheeks burn red, but right now she’s pale as can be.