Page 139 of Jake's Angel
“We’re going to put Dad and Ghost on sniper point. Parisi’s men will be on perimeter duty and gain us entry. Together, they should be able to get us a perimeter count, and Dad can take them out from a distance. Sadie will be on comms giving us play-by-play from each camera as we enter the warehouse.” Vincenzo raises a brow but doesn’t dispute Gabe’s plan.
We go over everyone’s orders and map out our escape route, ready to get this shit over with.
The plane lands in Baron’s Edge forty-five minutes later and we’re on the move. When we arrive at the penthouse at the top of The Rose Garden Hotel, we’re met by Russell West and two of Parisi’s soldiers.
Russell greets everyone and expresses his gratitude for our help with everything. I don’t give two shits about his gratitude. As far as I’m concerned, if it wasn’t for him, Gabe, and Russell’s bitch of a wife, Avery wouldn’t be in this fucking mess.
“It is time,” Vincenzo announces. “My men have vehicles waiting for you in the underground garage. I am sending a car with some of my best men to help as well. Giovani will be in charge of my men.”
“You’re not joining us?” I ask.
Vincenzo smiles. “No one sees the Boogeyman until he wants to be seen. But they all know he exists.”
Pop spots me from across the room and makes his way to my side. “How are you holding up, son?”
“Let’s bring her back and then I’ll let you know.” He nods and slaps my shoulder. “We will, son. Oh, and Jake?”
“I call dibs on the old bitch. You get the asshole in the cage back home.” Pop demands.
“Who gets Thomas?” Hawk asks, inserting his nosy ass self into our conversation.
“Gabe gets the honors of killing that motherfucker.”
With our orders in place and our gear in the trunks, we all climb into the waiting SUVs and make like a bat out of hell for our destination.
When we pull into the pier, the first vehicle stops letting Caleb and Ghost out. They make their way to higher ground to get set up with their rifles. Then it splits off and parks behind a stack of containers on the pier.
Declan and Pop take off toward the building and stay hidden behind some shipping containers waiting for Ghost’s signal. Their vehicle splits off and parks near the first. Our SUV pulls us up on the opposite side of the building, letting me, Ethan, and Gabe out behind another set of containers, keeping us out of range of the cameras until Sadie can work her magic.
Hawk stays in the passenger seat with his laptop open, talking and sharing information with Sadie. If things go down, orSadie loses the signal, Hawk will be able to walk us through from here.
Vincenzo’s men exit their vehicle and disburse. Two of them go to the building, the other two head toward a loading crane in the yard opposite the warehouse. They disappear behind the crane and return within minutes.
“Comms check. Got me?” Gabe’s voice comes over the earpiece.
“Got you.” We all call one by one.
“I’m about to announce our arrival. You better be ready, motherfuckers. I’m gonna light some shit up.” Hawk laughs.
Once we’ve got everyone locked in, there’s a loud screech and the smell of burning tires and brakes, followed by a loud explosion. The fucking crane goes up in flames, and men come pouring out of the warehouse shouting.
“I’ve got three on the south side.” Ghost’s voice comes over the comms. Seconds later, three men go down. “Two to the east.” The same thing happens.
“Move!” Gabe shouts. We all take off running toward the building. We hear three shots from behind us, and two more men fall to the ground on our left.
“Clear on the left.” I hear Pop’s voice call through the mic. I look over and see Pop smiling. A few more shots ring out. “Clear on the right,” Ghost answers.
“Move in.” Gabe gives the order. Ethan and I follow Gabe into the building. Pop and Declan head for the rear entrance.
“Gabe, down the first hall, second door on the left is their security office. Two guards,” Sadie says.
We follow her directions. I take the left, Gabe takes the right, and Ethan kicks the door open. Two men turn and we all fire our shot.
“Clear,” Gabe says. We walk into the office and look at the screens on the wall. Avery is in the corner of a room, with twoguards and an older man pacing in front of her. “How do I get to her, Sadie?” I head out the door and wait for her instructions.
“Left. Take the hallway. Two men incoming.” We clock them, the same time she says it. Gabe and I both fire off shots. “Door coming up on the right. It’s a sorting area. You’ll have to get around the conveyor machines. Far corner. Hallway.”