Page 24 of Jake's Angel
“That’s what he said.” Sadie jokes.
“Not to mention, she’s the daughter of the Kings of Fury’s Enforcer, the sister of their Sergeant of Arms, and under the constant watchful protection of each and every club member.” Skyler laughs. “If the size of this car doesn’t detour a guy, the size of those men will. Believe me, they come with an intimidating look and the muscle to back it up.”
“Wait,” I point at Jayde as the realization hits. “The Kings of Fury is …?”
“It’s the motorcycle club.” Jayde says. It makes sense. I mean, of course it does. The leather cuts. The motorcycles I saw parked at Magpie’s. I don’t know why I didn’t put two and two together.
Because you were too busy freaking out about your game of tonsil hockey with Jake.
Jayde’s voice cuts through my muddled thoughts. “It’s really more like a brotherhood of?—”
“Neanderthals who think they know what’s best for everybody and have the right to stick their noses in other people’s business.”
Skyler throws her head back in laughter.
“I was going to say they’re like a big family, but Sadie’s description is pretty spot on too.”
“And Mack, he’s part of the motorcycle gang?” I’m absolutely dumbfounded.
“It’s a club, not a gang. He’s the Enforcer, but since he works so far away from home, Declan is also an Enforcer. I’m sure it will all change once Daddy retires, though.”
I look to Sadie for interpretation, as I am completely and utterly confused right now.Mack rides a motorcycle? Suit wearing, rule following, always takes things too seriously, Mack?I’m having a hard time picturing this.I wonder why she never told me about the motorcycle club or the real story about her family?
Sadie sighs, clearly not thrilled to have to share about the club. “Jayde’slikemy cousin. We grew up together in the same house. Her dad is Mack, who you already know is not really my uncle. Mack is close friends with Gabe, whoreally ismy uncle. My dad was Gabe’s brother, my mom’s best friend is Jayde’s mom, Lisa. It’s all a long story, and I don’t want to get into it, so can we go shopping now?”
I’m nervous, looking to Sadie, not sure what’s going on or if I should say anything. I know Sadie believes in deniable plausibility, but Mack’s daughter could rat me out. I mean, he’s herfather.And he’s in a motorcycle club.What the fuck was Sadie thinking bringing me here?
If he finds out they’re helping me, he’ll have no choice but to send me back and we’ll all be screwed. Skyler must recognize my internal struggle because she places her hand on my shoulder, asking if I’m okay. I put on a fake smile, trying to reassure her I’m fine even though I’m anything but.
Skyler places her arm around my shoulder and begins walking with me toward the mall entrance, talking quietly so only I can hear. “I can see you’re freaking out. I can’t say I wouldn’t be if I were in your shoes. There are a few things I think you should know that might help you relax a bit.” She gives my shoulder a squeeze, making sure I’m listening. I give a slight nod, though I’m still actively working to keep my anxiety in check.
“The men Sadie and Jayde are talking about are not like the gangs you hear about on the news. They don’t go around shooting people for no reason or robbing people for no reason. The MC is a brotherhood of men who, though archaic and yes, somewhat Neanderthal-like in their beliefs—they’re good men. They don’t always operate on the right side of the law, but they don’t hurt people who don’t deserve it, and they never hurt the innocent. It’s in their DNA to protect those who can’t protect themselves. Which is why they come off as intrusive, nosy ass, overprotective cavemen. But you’ll get used to it.”
Sadie sidles up beside us as we open the doors and enter the mall. “Skyler and Jayde both promised to keep anything about you to themselves. No one here is going to out you to Mack. Although, I wouldn’t doubt he’ll figure it out eventually. But you let me worry about it. I’m sure I can keep him running in circlesfor a little while. At least until we have another plan in place. But as for Jayde and Skyler, your secrets are safe.” I nod, making eye contact with Jayde, who’s bouncing on her heels, smiling at me.
“What’s wrong? You look like you’re freaking out over there,” Sadie asks. I’m sure she’s seeing my pale face. I felt the color drain when the black SUV pulled close to where we parked, and a man wearing the same black cuts as Jake and Hawk stepped out.
“There's a black SUV over there. I swear it’s been following us,” I say as calmly as I can. Sadie was right. I'm freaking the hell out.
“Shit.” Sadie says with a huff. “It’s no one to be worried about. He’s a prospect from the club. My chaperone for the day it seems.” Sadie doesn’t seem pleased, but she’s not making a big deal out of the guy either.Why?“He’s my new ass-sessory compliments of one Gabriel fucking Jenkins.Prick.”Sadie laughs softly to herself, and Jayde gives her a side-eyed glare.
“What did you do?”
“Basically, I gave the club a big middle finger when I left Loretta with them and ditched my phone so I couldn’t be tracked.” She shrugs. “You know how they are about their stalker tendencies.”
“Well, shit, Sadie. You threw down the damn gauntlet!” Jayde laughs.
“You know how Daddy feels about being able to keep tabs on our whereabouts. It’s his way of keeping us safe. What the hell did you think they would do?” Jayde says, still clearly amused with Sadie’s antics.
“I don’t care. Wanting to keep me safe does not give them the right to invade my privacy! Hawk hasmy house alarmset to send him text alerts whenever I come and go from my home. He checks on me using the cameras, then texts me to see what I’m doing on my computer, or worse, to tell me what I need to be doing instead. He’s obnoxious and needs to be knocked down apeg. He takes hissavior to Sadierole too seriously, and it needs to stop.”
Sadie seems genuinely pissed, but more than that, I think she’s hurt by his lack of faith in her. But if I’m honest, I’m not helping the situation. Once he finds out exactlyhowSadie helped me escape West Manor, whatever small bit of trust or faith he had in her will be obliterated.
“What did you do to get on the club’s radar?” Jayde asks. “Did you change someone’s transcripts again?” Jayde asks disapprovingly.
“No. Smartass.” Sadie sasses. “They weren’t upset about anything I’ve done. Okay. They were pissed about the whole not being able to track me or spy on me thing, but that’s not the real reason Gabe and Mack are so pissed. They didn’t tell me any different, but Gabe called church this morning. They don’t have church in the middle of the day unless there’s an issue.”
I point behind us and ask, “So, who is he again?”