Page 11 of Covington Acres
“Same as last time you asked,” Roe teased her.
“Monroe Covington. Don’t you talk to me that way,” Mama said, but she had a smile on her face.
“We picked out Sean and Wyatt’s tuxes,” Holden added.
“They look so cute!” Marilee said.
Sean would be Holden’s best man, and Wyatt was Roe’s. Their parents had been slightly upset that Vince was performing the ceremony rather than having their pastor do it, but they didn’t put up much of a fight. They typically didn’t with Roe. He was able to do his own thing.
“We have to make sure everything stays nice and green. I want it to be perfect.” Mom looked his and Vince’s direction. The wedding was going to be here.
Colby cleared his throat. “We’re on it.”
They rambled on some more about the ceremony while eating the baked chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and vegetables Mama had made. Colby couldn’t stop his leg from bouncing the whole time, the nervous habit frustrating him.
Until he felt the warm press of Vince’s hand on his thigh. He’d never had a man do this to him before Vince—hell, Vincehad never done it to him either, but somehow, it made the bouncing slow. Made him feel…like someone was on his side? Yes, that, but also like someone saw him. Not one single person at this table realized Colby was uncomfortable except Vince. He didn’t get why, but his friend always seemed to know.
“Did you hear Lulu is engaged?” Lindsey asked, and damned if Colby’s heart didn’t drop. Not because he was jealous. Or at least, not in the typical way. He didn’t want Lulu. He was happy for her, but…why couldn’thewant that? Why couldn’t he have loved her the way she deserved?
His mama looked down at her food. “I heard. Justin is a good man. I’m sure they’ll be real happy together.”
Lulu had also stopped working at the farm, and Colby knew his mama missed her. She’d liked Lulu even before they started dating.
“Why didn’t you marry Lulu, Uncle Colby?” his niece Heidi asked.
“Heidi,” her mama scolded.
“Sorry…I liked her. I didn’t mean anything by it,” Heidi replied.
He could tell she felt bad, and that was the last thing he wanted. Maybe most wouldn’t understand it, maybe it didn’t make sense, but in that moment, he felt like he was letting her down too.
“It’s fine, kid. Lulu was way out of my league.” He tried to sound playful, but really, he wanted nothing more than to walk out of the room. He was so fucking different from his family. From everyone in the room…well, except Vince.
“But didn’t you break up with her?” his nephew Scotty asked.
Fuck. He should have thought his reply through better.
“Sounds like Lulu was meant to be with Justin,” Vince added.
“I don’t think Uncle Colby wants to grow up,” Dennis said with a chuckle. He wasn’t trying to be a dick; it was just how Dennis saw it. A few laughs sounded around the table.
Vince’s thumb brushed over the tight muscle in Colby’s thigh.
“Dennis, let it go,” Roe warned.
He didn’t want anyone to get into a fight over him, didn’t want this to become a big deal, so he said, “Yep. I’m a big kid. It’s a whole lot more fun this way.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Vince said. “That’s why we get along so well.”
There was another round of laughter before the subject was changed.
Vince’s hand didn’t leave his thigh, and Colby was thankful for that.
Colby was quietas they drove home. Vince could tell he was upset, something he’d been noticing a lot more lately.