Page 5 of Covington Acres
Clint said, “I think feeling that way sometimes is natural. It’s hard not to believe we have to fit in some kind of mold, or like some decisions were made for us, but you’re a lot of things outside of what you mentioned. You’re a good brotherand friend. You’re funny and kind, and clearly, Vince enjoys your company. You gave him a place to stay, and you’re helping him out during a hard time. Is this related to what we talked about before? How you feel like you’re not settled down the way you should be? When Roe met Holden, Roe was what, forty-three? Forty-four? I’m forty-two now and in love for the first time. There are no rules to how life is supposed to be led. Everyone is different.”
Roe was actually forty-five when he met Holden, and though Clint had never been in love before August, Colby figured that was because he had always been in love with August and couldn’t love anyone else.
“Yeah, you’re right. Just been feeling like I’m missing something, is all. Or like there’s more to me than I think, which I realize doesn’t make a damn bit of sense. Ignore me. I’m being weird.”
“I’m always here if you wanna talk. About anything. Don’t ever hesitate to ask,” Clint said.
And Colby was about done with this conversation. How could he tell Clint what he was feeling if he didn’t understand it all himself? “I know.” He nodded toward August and Vince dancing together. “They’re having fun.”
“Good for them. They both deserve it.”
“Vince is good at making you feel important, like you can let go and everything will be okay. He’s got that electric personality, know what I mean?”
Clint looked Colby’s way. “Seems like you guys have gotten to be good friends.”
They had. He’d enjoyed having a roommate more than he thought he would. “I guess so. Kinda hard not to when you live together. That’s not important, though. Things are going well with August, I see.”
“They are, yeah. I’m crazy about him, man. I’m so fucking scared that things aren’t going to work out, that it’ll cause problems with him and Reese, or hell, just that August will realize I’m not who he wants.”
Colby frowned. “You’re who he wants. That much is clear. The stuff with Reese…it’ll work out. You said Reese knows and that he wants August happy. The kid likes you, and he’s fifteen. It’s not like he’s young. You’re stressing yourself out for nothing.”
They talked a while longer, until eventually August and Vince made their way back to them. “You gonna dance with me?” August asked.
“I am,” Clint replied.
“What about you? Can I talk you into dancing with me?” Vince asked Colby.
Colby’s skin prickled. This shouldn’t be a big deal. There was no reason he couldn’t dance with Vince. Still, he found himself saying, “I…I haven’t… I’m not sure…” But that prickling on his skin told Colby he wanted to. He wanted to let go and have fun and dance. Why shouldn’t he fucking dance with a man? Why shouldn’t that be an experience he could say he’s had?
“Shh. It’s just a dance between friends. I know you’re straight,” Vince replied.
Butterflies danced in his gut, though. He wanted to do this, didn’t want to overthink it. Colby Covington didn’t dance with men, but Colby Covington had also not done a whole lot in his life that was his choice, that he did simply because he wanted to or to see what it was like, but tonight, he planned to.
Vince smiled. “See? Told you I’m gonna shake up your world and show you how to have some fun.”
When Vince took his hand, Colby didn’t pull away. Vince led him to an open space, then wrapped his arms around Colby’s shoulders. “Is this okay?”
Colby nodded.
Vince pulled him closer, their bodies touching. Colby couldn’t help but notice that they smelled the same, both wearing Vince’s cologne because of the shirt he’d been given.
He swallowed. “Where should I…where should I put my hands?” Jesus, what a dumb fucking question. How could he make himself sound even more like a small-town guy with zero life experience?
“You can put them wherever you want. It’s just a dance between friends,” Vince reiterated.
Colby placed his on Vince’s hips, and they moved together to the beat of the music. Vince felt so different against him compared to Lulu or any of the women he’d been with. He was bigger, harder, their bodies matching, similar in size. Vince smelled masculine. His body was hot, his shirt wet with sweat.
“If I get a boner, it’s not my fault,” Vince teased, making Colby laugh. Maybe that should have made him uncomfortable, but it didn’t.
“Well, I don’t feel anything.”
“Believe me, you’d feel it.”
Their bodies came together again, rubbing, dancing, and when Colby shifted just right, he felt Vince’s bulge. He wasn’t hard, but still, it made Colby pull back some.
“Want me to dip you? I got moves.”