Page 50 of Covington Acres
Sean crossed his arms. “She can play.”
“No way,” she replied. “You can go, though,” she told Wyatt, who shook his head.
“Young love,” Vince said softly to him, and Colby nodded, his pulse speeding in a way he didn’t understand.
Sean rolled his eyes, but Colby wasn’t sure anyone else saw it. “Now we don’t have an even number. Uncle Holden?”
“You got it, kid.” Holden looked at Vince. “You get your ass out there too, old man.”
“Then we still have uneven numbers,” Vince said, “but I also won’t pass up an opportunity to kick your ass.” He turned to Colby, placing a hand on his lower back. “Come on, babe. Play with us?” Vince asked just as Grady chimed in with, “I’ll play too.”
Colby’s stomach was…wobbly. That was the most ridiculous way for a grown-ass man to think about it, but he couldn’t pinpoint what else fit.
“I’m, um…I’m good.” On reflex, he stepped away from Vince, whose forehead wrinkled.
“Good. We haven’t caught up in a while,” Clint interrupted, and Colby said a silent thank-you to his friend, while also wondering why in the fuck he would need an out with Vince. That wasn’t how they worked.
Vince’s brown eyes found his, and Colby gave a small shake of his head that he hoped saidI’m fine. And he was. He didn’t know why he felt off today. Maybe he was coming down with something.
The group playing football headed toward the open area in the yard, while Wyatt and Bianca separated from the others, finding a quiet spot to sit in the grass to watch them play.
“He’s really into her,” Roe said. “Always wants to be with her. I’m thankful he has that experience, but I worry he’s not spending as much time with the boys and not doing a lot of the things he loves.”
“He’ll be fine. It’s normal,” Lindsey told him.
“Yeah, I figure so. I remember that with friends in high school. I guess I just never had it myself, so I’m more sensitive to it.”
Colby got what his brother was saying. He hadn’t had that because he was gay. He’d missed certain experiences, living where and when they had. Maybe it was different for kids nowadays, but though Roe had always been accepted and affirmed when he came out, it wasn’t like he was dating boys at Wyatt’s age. He’d left Briar County for that.
“You’re the best dad in the world, and you want what’s best for him,” Lindsey added, the platonic love between them clear, but Colby couldn’t stop thinking about what his brother had said. It wasn’t something he’d thought about before—those growing-up things Roe had missed—and not for the first time, he thought about sharing his struggles with Roe. It was different, though. Roe was gay. Colby just didn’t fall for people the way others did.
The subject changed then, and Colby went over to sit in one of the outdoor chairs by Clint. August was chatting with Deacon, and his friend had been sitting there alone.
“How are things going?” Clint asked softly, just for the two of them.
“Good…great, really. We started a garden at the house for Vince. He loves that shit.” Colby chuckled.
“That sounds permanent,” Clint replied, making Colby shift uncomfortably, his pulse kicking up. He knew Clint didn’t mean anything by it. He never would have made that comment if he’d known the truth about Colby, but that didn’t stop hisdiscomfort…or the way his eyes darted toward Vince and the unexplainable warmth he felt when Vince shot him a smile.
“It’s not what you’re thinking.” Colby forced himself to look away from Vince, but also not meeting Clint’s gaze. “We’re still just enjoying benefits with our friendship. That’s all it will ever be.” A weight draped over him at that, one that felt almost too heavy to carry and made no sense, not really. He didn’t want anything more with Vince. That’s why this worked so well for them.
“That’s okay too.” Clint reached over and squeezed his shoulder. “What matters is your happiness.”
“I’m happy,” Colby replied, then looked around to make sure no one was close enough to hear them. “Maybe happier than I’ve ever been. I can’t even explain it, really. Nothing has changed other than the sex, but…” But what? He wasn’t sure how to put into words what he wanted to say, not without it sounding like it was more than it was. He just knew he’d spent most of his life feeling incomplete, and that feeling was almost nonexistent now. “Don’t really know.”
“And that’s okay too, man. You don’t have to know. Just focus on what feels good.”
Colby nodded and looked at the football players again. Vince was talking to Holden, the two of them laughing, and it made Colby smile.
Seeing Vince made him smile. So did talking to him, touching him, just being with him.
Colby continued to watch them, appreciating that Clint didn’t call him on it, just let him have these moments where he was happy and confused but somehow everything felt okay.
Vince loved itwhen they all got together like this. He had large groups of friends in Atlanta too, but when they all got together, it hadn’t felt the same as it did here.