Page 64 of Covington Acres
Colby grinned, feeling it in his chest. “I like the sound of that.”
They finished getting ready, then headed out to Covington Acres together.
Dennis, Jackie, Roe, and Wyatt’s vehicles were all there when they pulled up. Somehow, even when Colby was on time for things like this, he felt like he was late for them.
He should have texted his mom and told her he was bringing Vince. He didn’t know why he hadn’t. Maybe because he didn’t feel like he should have to. Did Jackie tell them Scott was coming? Did Dennis have to say Kristen would be there? He knew that wasn’t fair. Those were his siblings’ spouses, and they didn’t know about him and Vince, but sometimes people felt things that were unfair. No matter how much others judged them for it or pretended they weren’t as guilty themselves, it was a reality.
“We doing this?” Vince asked when Colby turned off the truck.
“Yep. We are.”
They got out together and headed into the oversize farmhouse. No one heard them at first. It was loud, the way it always was when the Covingtons got together. Sean was there with Wyatt too, but then he figured that made sense. He might be Holden’s nephew, but Holden treated the boy like his son.
His dad was sitting in a chair, his crutches beside him. It was Dennis who looked up and noticed them first. His gaze shot back and forth between Vince and Colby, but then he said, “Hey, Colbs finally decided to show up.”
“I’m not late, asshole,” Colby teased him, knowing his brother was joking with him. Dennis wasn’t a bad guy. He just…didn’t get Colby. He saw the world through his own tunnel vision and then expected others to feel the same way he did.
“Uncle Colby said a bad word!” one of his younger nieces said.
“Come here, brat.” He chased her, the little girl laughing, then picked her up and carried her over his shoulder, tickling her.
“Hey, you.” Holden made his way straight for Vince and hugged him. Colby couldn’t help watching them while he set his niece down. Holden was making sure everyone knew Vince was family to him, that Holden wanted him there. Again, not that anyone else didn’t, but Colby was pretty sure Holden was trying to help make it look like Vince was there for him too, to give them an excuse if they needed one.
“Hey, you,” Vince said back to him.
Everyone started talking again, visiting and chatting about the farm and the wedding. He could hear the excitement in both his parents. His dad was usually quieter about the marriage stuff, but Colby knew he had the same ideals as his mom. That to him, his kids’ happiness meant the farm, marriage, and children. Part of it was generational, and part just how they were. It’s what they knew.
Colby shifted, feeling uncomfortable. He wasn’t sure how he’d kept these thoughts from plaguing him today. They’d been weighing more heavily on him lately because of Roe’s wedding, his dad’s injury, and his feelings for Vince, but sometimes it feltlike all he thought about anymore. Like the weight on his back kept getting heavier and heavier.
His attention snapped to his mom. He hadn’t realized she’d come over to him. “Hmm?”
“Is everything okay?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t it be?” Because it should be. He didn’t have major issues. He was so fucking blessed. Why couldn’t he make his brain focus on that?
He tried to concentrate on the conversation while they all discussed wedding rehearsals and the ceremony.
“Colby has caught me standing in front of the mirror and practicing a few times,” Vince said, pulling Colby’s attention.
“It’s true, and I’d say more than a few times.” Because despite everything that was going on, Vince wanted the ceremony to go off without a hitch. Colby could see how important it was to him that Roe and Holden had chosen him.
The conversation continued around them, kids running and playing and laughing. Colby grabbed a beer from the kitchen, then leaned against the wall, watching. Vince fit so well with them. He laughed at something Scott said, and Colby couldn’t help smiling. He should be happy right now. Why was his head such a mess?
“You’re quiet today,” Dennis said, joining Colby where he stood, a short distance from everyone else.
“Guess it’s just the excitement of everything, is all.” He was surprised Dennis noticed. Usually he didn’t with things like that.
“We should talk about the farm.”
“Do we really need to do that today?” The pit in his stomach deepened.
“What’s going on with you lately? You act like you’re being tortured.”
Colby turned to look at him, his hackles automatically raised. “What the fuck are you talking about? I’m here, just like everyone else. I’m pitching in and doing what’s right by the family.” But the truth was, Colbywasbeing moody. Hewasfeeling all sorts of conflicting emotions he wasn’t sharing with anyone, not even Vince.
Colby didn’t look at his brother, focusing on the string of kids running toward the back door and outside, led by Wyatt and Sean, who were good about wrangling up the younger ones.