Page 66 of Covington Acres
Colby let go of Vince’s hand. “Thank you.” He wrapped his father in his arms, the two of them hugging. Vince took a step back to give them space. He wanted them to be able to sort through their feelings, but also wanted Colby to know he was there for him if Colby needed him.
When they pulled back, Colby’s mom added, “I knew it.”
Colby chuckled. “Yeah, you did. Before me, even.” He signaled Vince closer. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you both how I was feeling. I just didn’t want to let you down.”
“Colby Covington, you could never let us down. We’re so proud of you,” his mom replied.
His dad chimed in. “And I can’t wait to taste this beer you’re talking about.”
“He’s good,” Vince added.
“Of course he is. He’s a Covington.” Dennis approached, and Vince felt Colby tense sightly.
“Sorry for putting all that pressure on you. I just… I love you, and I realize I can come on strong. But ultimately, I thought I was doing the right thing.”
Jesus, they were a great family. Vince wanted his aunt and uncle out here to meet them, wanted them to see the life he was creating with the man he loved…with the man who loved him.
“I know.” Colby nodded.
“Whatever you want or don’t want, whatever you need, we’ll figure it out.” Dennis squeezed his shoulder.
Colby nodded again and swiped at a stray tear. Vince knew how much these moments meant to him.
“We’ll hammer out details later.” Vicki hugged her son, then Vince. “Welcome to the family, though I feel like you were already part of it.”
Emotion clogged Vince’s throat. “Thank you. Me too.”
They stepped back, everyone making their way into the kitchen except Roe and Holden. “Welcome to the cool kids club,” Roe said with a smile.
Vince and Colby chuckled.
“Seriously, though. I’m sorry if I ever contributed to the way you feel, or if you ever felt like you couldn’t come to me with this. I’m your big brother—your queer big brother. I should have been there for you.” Roe held so much emotion in his gaze.
“I wasn’t struggling with my sexuality, Roe. I never realized I’m bi until Vince. The biggest thing was not understanding my feelings, or lack thereof. I didn’t have a name for it, didn’t know I was demiromantic, and now so much makes sense. It’s not your fault. Sometimes things aren’t anyone’s fault. They just happen.”
Roe nodded, and Holden wrapped an arm around him. “You can’t do or know everything, darlin’.”
But that was just like Roe.
“You made a good choice.” Roe motioned toward Vince.
“The best,” Holden added. “Congratulations.” Holden hugged Vince, and Vince couldn’t help thinking about how things had changed. Meeting Holden for a hookup, dating, realizing they were better as best friends. All the drama with Gregory. If none of it happened, he wouldn’t be here, in this moment, hugging his best friend, with the man he loved by his side and family around them.
“I love you,” Vince told Holden.
“I love you too.”
Holden pulled back, and Roe gave Vince a hug too, before they slipped away, giving Vince and Colby some space. They wrapped their arms around each other, breathed each other in.“I mean, I feel like I made a pretty solid choice too,” Vince teased.
“Only solid?” Colby played right back. “You’re the only choice I could ever want, the only right choice I could ever make.”
Vince let go of Colby to clutch his heart. “Goddamn. You win. That was really fucking good. My boyfriend is the best.”
They laughed together, then leaned in and kissed.
The back door pushed open, Sean and Wyatt coming in. “Whoa! What did we miss?” Sean asked.
“I already knew. I saw them kissing behind the barn one time,” Wyatt added, the rest of the family coming into the room and laughing. “Happy coming out, Uncle Colby. Is dinner done?”