Page 73 of Covington Acres
Colby’s face hurt, he smiled so big. His heart thumped against his chest. It was perfect. He loved his parents so much for this.
“You don’t have to,” Vince said. “That’s a big step, and—”
“Say yes,” Colby cut him off. “They wouldn’t do it if they didn’t want to.”
“We’re all in agreement on this,” Roe added. “You’re our brother now too.”
Marin squeezed Vince’s shoulder, Colby assumed telling him to go for it.
Vince turned to him, then back to their family. “Thank you…I don’t know what to say. You won’t regret it. I love that farm more than just about anything…well, except for your son.”
There were chuckles, then hugs and kisses. This night was everything Colby could have wished for, and more.
“Thank you,” Vince said again.
“Dinner on Sunday,” his mama added. “Will you two be here?” she asked Vince’s aunt and uncle.
The dinners were smaller now. Wyatt was at NC State, playing football. Though Raleigh wasn’t far, he was living his life and didn’t get home as often as they’d all like.
Reese was off at college too, though he’d gone out of state. Scout too. Sean had been the only one to stay home. Roe, Holden, and his mama had made sure he knew he could leave, that they would support him and help pay for it, but Sean haddecided against it. He was going to a local community college and working with Holden when he could. Colby didn’t know for sure, but he thought the choice hadn’t made Wyatt very happy. While they seemed okay, there was a distance between them that hadn’t been there before.
“We sure will,” Marin replied.
There was another round of hugs while everyone said their goodbyes. Colby followed them all to the door, locking it behind them, and now it was only him and Vince.
“You did it, baby.” Vince wrapped his arms around Colby.
“Because of you.”
He shook his head. “No. Because of you.”
“Because of us.” Vince had taught him how to love, how to fight for himself, had helped Colby figure out who he was. “I love you, Vince…so fucking much, you know that?”
“I love you too. Forever. Finally found where I belong.”
They both had, and it was right here, where Colby had always been. In this place that so many others had fallen in love with. There was something special about Briar County, and Colby couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life here, with Vince.
The End