Page 51 of The Step Don't
I’m a fuckingsadist.
It’s not my intention to torture Colin, but now that the party’s really going, I can see how much it’s killing him not to slip away with me and give me the pounding I need. I’m surprised I managed through the challenge with just a semi, considering I was basking in his attention, knowing his gaze was fixed on me.
Everyone’s drinking and dancing in Alpha Theta Mu’s yard. We’re surrounded by our crew, but Colin barely gives me an inch. He’s got that determined look in his eyes, like any minute he might scoop me up and carry me off to fuck me in the bushes.
I can’t blame him—the only thing I’m using my brain for right now is to run through scenarios.
But there are too many people packing the yard for us to slip away into a corner even for a few quick gropes.
A few Sigma Alphas I competed with swing by for a chat, when one of the guys says, “This is Dax. He’s mybrother. Visiting from out of town.”
I recognize the guy from back at the challenge; he nearly overheard Colin talking dirty to me, about how he wanted to fuck me with everyone watching. Dax brushed it off, but the way he’s eyeing me, a big grin across his face, I can’t help wondering if he heard more than he should have.
“That was wild,” Dax says, shaking my hand. “Great work. Impressive. So you’re with…” He checks my temporary tattoo. “Alpha Theta Mu?”
He shakes hands with Colin too, and Colin’s friendly, trying to make conversation, but I can tell he’s as distracted as I am.
“Are you guys a couple?” Dax glances between us.
So yes, he must’ve heard us.
“Oh my God,” Marty’s voice comes from nearby. “What the fuck? They’re stepbrothers, for Christ’s sake.”
Dax’s forehead creases. “That didn’t really answer my question, but okay, sure.”
Colin and I exchange a knowing look, unable to keep from grinning.
We dance for a few songs, the gang getting a bit wild and doing Jell-O shots.
Colin still can’t take his eyes off me.
Or keep down that raging hard-on he’s sporting.
I don’t know how much longer I can keep this upeither, as I’m salivating over it.
I dance over to him. “Maybe we should go inside and see if there’s someplace we can creep into?”
“Best idea you’ve had all night.” Colin moves close so that his lips are near my ear and whispers, “Unless you want me to fuck you right here in the middle of a crowd.”
I chuckle. “Doesn’t seem like such a horrible idea.”
We share a laugh before sneaking into the house, on a fucking mission.
People are dancing in the living room, but it’s not as busy as outside. And sure, we could run to either of our rooms for a quick fuck, but where’s the fun in that? It’s more exciting when there’s an even greater chance of us getting caught.
I’m like a horny Terminator, running diagnostics for the naughtiest place we could fuck, when an idea springs to mind. I don’t share it with Colin, just lead the way. He follows me through the living room, into the downstairs hallway. I guide him to the end, checking the door.
Alpha Theta Mu’s converting the space into a weight room, but since we don’t have it set up yet, it’s the perfect discreet corner to play around in during a party.
The light that creeps in from the hall reveals gym equipment the guys have packed inside—bench press,cable machine, rower, stationary bike, treadmill, dumbbells. Once we get it up, it’ll be pretty impressive.
“Nice use of our dues,” I say before Colin spins me toward the wall. Seizing my wrists, he pins me, my back against the wall. I surrender to him fully as he presses his cheek against mine, breathing me in, pushing that hard cock against my waist. We push together, and I swear, even under his pants, I can feel him getting even harder.
“Fuck,” I mutter, quivering as his body is tight against mine, his lips caressing my cheek.