Page 12 of Easton
I nod, knowing he’s still very much the same. Easton talks, but I notice him spacing out sometimes, like he’s not even in the same world, and then there was the time I caught him talking to himself.
“Anyway…I don’t like to think about that day.”
“Shit. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up.” Reaching over, I take her hand.Smooth move, Archer. Bring back some of her worst memories because you’re obsessed with Easton.
“It’s okay. It was a long time ago. Why do you ask?”
I sigh, leaning my head back against the couch. “I don’t really know.” Which isn’t a lie, but it’s not the full truth either. “I’m sure you’ve heard I’m getting a bit of a name around town for helping him out.”
“Of course. And that should surprise no one. That’s the kind of man you are. You’re always looking out for others.”
“Don’t make me blush.” I nudge her with my arm.
“Is there something going on with you two?”
“No,” I rush out. I don’t even know if he’s queer, but outside of that, as attractive as I think East is, none of this is about sex. I would never want him to think I was only doing this to get a fuck out of him. “I just…I’m trying to understand him better, is all.” Because I want to make sure I do this right, want to make sure I’m there for him in the best way I can be. Somehow, it feels like one of the most important things I’ve done in my life.
“Well, you can always ask him about himself, ya know?”
“Shit, why didn’t I ever think of that?” It’s not like Easton Swift is the most forthcoming person. “Ignore me,” I tell her.
“Have I told you that every day you make me proud of the man you are? Of that big heart in your chest?”
“Mom…I’m not even doing anything special.”
“Everything you do is special. And I’m only partly saying that because I’m your mom.”
We laugh together, and I can’t help feeling so damn lucky that I have this…and wish Easton had grown up with the same.
I’m sitting outsideDusty’s Collision Repair on my lunch break when my cell rings. This is another thing Dusty has done for our family. He gave me a job and has put up with my shit.
My cell rings again. “Hello?”
“Is this Easton?”
“Yeah, it is.”
“Hi. This is Bailey from Birchbark County Animal Shelter. We have a dog that’s been through some trauma. It was a rough go for a while, but he’s much better now. The problem is, if we can’t get him adopted within three days…well…”
Bailey doesn’t need to finish for me to know what will happen to him. It’s why she’s calling me.
“I know this isn’t typical, but you helped out with Pretty Girl and…hell, I just…don’t want him to be put down. He’s got—”
“I’ll take him,” I cut her off.
“Don’t you want to know anything about him first?”
“No. I’ll be down this afternoon.” It’s not that simple, of course. I’ll have to bring Pretty Girl with me to make sure they get along, and then I’ll need to fill out all the paperwork, but I damn sure am going to get that dog. I’ll steal him if I have to.
“Thank you, Easton. I had a feeling you would say that. He’ll be a good dog for you. I know it.”
I end the call because really, there’s not much else that needs to be said, before standing and going into the shop. Dusty recently got back to work after his trip to California. The whole time he was gone, I’ve been scared out of my mind that I wouldfuck up his business, that he would come home and discover I’d run it into the ground or set it on fire or who the fuck knows what I’m capable of. Fortunately, I got lucky and none of that happened.
“We’re getting a towed vehicle in later today,” Dusty tells me.